Wednesday 11 March 2015

The Beatitudes : Matthew 5:8 Blessed are the pure in heart!

Pure in heart - In opposition to the Pharisees, who affected outward purity, while their hearts were full of corruption and defilement. A principal part of the Jewish religion consisted in outward washings and cleansings: on this ground they expected to see God, to enjoy eternal glory: but Christ here shows that a purification of the heart, from all vile affections and desires, is essentially requisite in order to enter into the kingdom of God. He whose soul is not delivered from all sin, through the blood of the covenant, can have no Scriptural hope of ever being with God. There is a remarkable illustration of this passage, quoted by Mr. Wakefield from Origen, Contra Cels. lib. vi. “God has no body, and therefore is invisible: but men of contemplation can discern him with the heart and understanding. But A Defiled Heart Cannot See God: but He Must Be Pure Who Wishes to Enjoy a Proper View of a Pure Being.” A. Clark
Pure in Heart That is, whose minds, motives, and principles are pure; who seek not only to have the external actions correct, but who desire to be holy in heart, and who are so. Man looks on the outward appearance, but God looks on the heart. Barnes Notes

Purity of heart
I. Purity of heart demands our attention.
1. It implies a change of heart.
2. It implies that the faculties of the soul are purified.
3. It implies the purity of the affections.
4, It implies the purity of the thoughts and desires.
5. It leads to purity of worship.
6. It leads to purity of life.

II. The blessedness promised to the pure in heart.
1. What is denoted by seeing God.
Shall see God (ton theon opsontai). Without holiness no man will see the Lord in heaven (Heb_12:14). The Beatific Vision is only possible here on earth to those with pure hearts. No other can see the King now. Sin befogs and beclouds the heart so that one cannot see God. Purity has here its widest sense and includes everything.
Shall see God - This is a Hebraism, which signifies, possess God, enjoy his felicity: as seeing a thing, was used among the Hebrews for possessing it. See Psa_16:10. Thou wilt not suffer thy Holy One to see corruption, i.e. he shall not be corrupted. So Joh_3:3 : Except a man be born again, he cannot See the kingdom of God, i.e. he cannot enjoy it. So Joh_3:16. He that believeth not the Son, shall not See life, i. e shall not be put in possession of eternal glory. The Hindoo idolaters vainly boast of what the genuine followers of Christ actually enjoy - having the Divine favor witnessed to their souls by the Holy Spirit. The Hindoos pretend that some of their sages have been favored with a sight of their guardian deity. - See Ward’s Customs.
Probably our Lord alludes to the advantages those had, who were legally pure, of entering into the sanctuary, into the presence of God, while those who had contracted any legal defilement were excluded from it. This also was obviously typical.

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