Sunday 29 March 2015

Matthew 6:16-18 The Sermon on the Mount Cont. “WHENEVER YOU FAST.”

Mat 6:16  "When any of you fast, never assume gloomy looks as the hypocrites do; for they disfigure their faces in order that it may be evident to men that they are fasting. I solemnly tell you that they already have their reward.
Mat 6:17  But, whenever you fast, pour perfume on your hair and wash your face,
Mat 6:18  that it may not be apparent to men that you are fasting, but to your Father who is in secret; and your Father--He who sees in secret--will recompense you.

The word “fast” literally signifies to abstain from food and drink, whether from necessity or as a religious observance. It is, however, commonly applied in the Bible to the latter. It is, then, an expression of grief or sorrow. Such is the constitution of the body, that in a time of grief or sorrow we are not disposed to eat; or, we have no appetite. The grief of the “soul” is so absorbing as to destroy the natural appetites of the “body.” People in deep affliction eat little, and often pine away and fall into sickness, because the body refuses, on account of the deep sorrow of the mind, to discharge the functions of health. “Fasting, then, is the natural expression of grief.” It is not arbitrary; it is what every person in sorrow naturally does. This is the foundation of its being applied to religion as a sacred rite. It is because the soul, when oppressed and burdened by a sense of sin, is so filled with grief that the body refuses food. It is, therefore, appropriate to scenes of penitence, of godly sorrow, of suffering, and to those facts connected with religion which are suited to produce grief, as the prevalence of iniquity, or some dark impending calamity, or storm, or tempest, pestilence, plague, or famine. It is also useful to humble us, to bring us to reflection, to direct the thoughts away from the allurements of this world to the bliss of a better. It is not acceptable except it be the “real expression,” of sorrow; the natural effect of the feeling that we are burdened with crime. Barnes Notes

What not to do when Fasting. v.16

Mat 6:16  "When any of you fast, never assume gloomy looks as the hypocrites do; for they disfigure their faces in order that it may be evident to men that they are fasting. I solemnly tell you that they already have their reward. WNT
"When you fast, do not look somber as the hypocrites do, for they disfigure their faces to show others they are fasting. Truly I tell you, they have received their reward in full.
gloomy faces

never assume gloomy looks as the hypocrites do..WNT [stop looking sad like hypocrites.]
sad countenance G4659 σκυθρωπός skuthrōpos Thayer Definition: 1) of a sad and gloomy countenance.
OT private fasting:
Neh 1:4  When I heard this, I sat down and cried. I mourned for days. I continued to fast and pray to the God of heaven.
From the month Chisleu to the month Nisan; about four months from the time he received the above information, till the time that Artaxerxes noticed his grief, Neh_2:1. All this time he probably spent in supplication to God; waiting for a favorable opening in the Divine providence. Every good work is not to be undertaken hastily; prayer and watchfulness are necessary to its completion. Many good works have been ruined by making haste.Adam Clark
Dan 9:2  In the first year of his reign, I, Daniel, learned from the Scriptures the number of years that Jerusalem would remain in ruins. The LORD had told the prophet Jeremiah that Jerusalem would remain in ruins for 70 years.
Dan 9:3  So I turned to the Lord God and looked to him for help. I prayed, pleaded, and fasted in sackcloth and ashes.
Dan 9:4  I prayed to the LORD my God. I confessed and said, "Lord, you are great and deserve respect as the only God. You keep your promise and show mercy to those who love you and obey your commandments.

I prayed, pleaded, and fasted in sackcloth and ashes.
He found that the time of the promised deliverance could not be at any great distance; and as he saw nothing that indicated a speedy termination of their oppressive captivity, he was very much afflicted, and earnestly besought God to put a speedy end to it; and how earnestly he seeks, his own words show. He prayed, he supplicated, he fasted, he put sackcloth upon his body, and he put ashes upon his head. He uses that kind of prayer prescribed by Solomon in his prayer at the dedication of the temple. See 1Ki_8:47, 1Ki_8:48.

But When You Fast...
Mat 6:17  But, whenever you fast, pour perfume on your hair and wash your face,
Anoint thine head and wash thy face - These were forbidden in the Jewish canon on days of fasting and humiliation; and hypocrites availed themselves of this ordinance, that they might appear to fast. Our Lord, therefore, cautions us against this: as if he had said, Affect nothing - dress in thy ordinary manner, and let the whole of thy deportment prove that thou desirest to recommend my soul to God, and not thy face to men. That factitious mourning, which consists in putting on black clothes, crapes, etc., is utterly inconsistent with the simplicity of the Gospel of Christ; and if practised in reference to spiritual matters, is certainly forbidden here: but sin is so common, and so boldly persisted in, that not even a crape is put on, as an evidence of deploring its influence, or of sorrow for having committed it.

Mat 6:18  that it may not be apparent to men that you are fasting, but to your Father who is in secret; and your Father--He who sees in secret--will recompense you.
that it may not be apparent to men that you are fasting,
There should be no outward show of fasting or holiness or spirituality. This is Hypocrisy.
Fasting is to our Father who is in secret..
God who is all knowing and before whom everything is open night and day, He sees in secret.
God knows what you are fasting and afflicting your soul for.

He will reward or recompense you. Sometimes when we are serious about prayer or burdened in our souls then fasting and prayer allows us to get closer to the Lord. It is not as if we need to twist God’s arm up His back but we get closer to God and more sensitive to what he is saying and what He wants. You will be rewarded.

Matthew 6:5-15 The Sermon on the Mount cont. Whenever You Pray.

Mat 6:5  "And when praying, you must not be like the hypocrites. They are fond of standing and praying in the synagogues or at the corners of the wider streets, in order that men may see them. I solemnly tell you that they already have their reward.
Mat 6:6  But you, whenever you pray, go into your own room and shut the door: then pray to your Father who is in secret, and your Father--He who sees in secret--will recompense you.
Mat 6:7  "And when praying, do not use needless repetitions as the Gentiles do, for they expect to be listened to because of their multitude of words.
Mat 6:8  Do not, however, imitate them; for your Father knows what things you need before ever you ask Him.
Mat 6:9  "In this manner therefore pray: 'Our Father who art in Heaven, may Thy name be kept holy;
Mat 6:10  let Thy kingdom come; let Thy will be done, as in Heaven so on earth;
Mat 6:11  give us to-day our bread for the day;
Mat 6:12  and forgive us our shortcomings, as we also have forgiven those who have failed in their duty towards us;
Mat 6:13  and bring us not into temptation, but rescue us from the Evil one.'
Mat 6:14  "For if you forgive others their offences, your Heavenly Father will forgive you also;
Mat 6:15  but if you do not forgive others their offences, neither will your Father forgive yours.

Introduction to the Passage

Don’t pray so as to impress others with your piety. So much religious gobbledigook is just to show others how conscientious you are at fulfilling the so called daily prayer schedule.
“Jesus calls for praying people to consider what they are doing and to concentrate on praying not on the praise of men”. Leon Morris p.139

Notes on the Passage

Mat 6:5  "And when praying, you must not be like the hypocrites. They are fond of standing and praying in the synagogues or at the corners of the wider streets, in order that men may see them. I solemnly tell you that they already have their reward.
"And when praying,  you must not be like the hypocrites
Here is the second of the Three Acts of Piety. ‘When you give alms to the poor’, the first. Then ‘When you pray’, the second, then ‘When you fast’, the last.
Hypocrites manifested the same spirit about prayer as almsgiving; it was done in public places. The word “synagogues,” here, clearly means, not the place of worship of that name, but places where many were accustomed to assemble - near the markets or courts, where they could be seen of many. Barnes Notes

Mat 6:6  But you, whenever you pray, go into your own room and shut the door: then pray to your Father who is in secret, and your Father--He who sees in secret--will recompense you.
The followers of Jesus will not pray to impress men but the exact opposite.

go into your own room and shut the door
Room = inner chanber
G5009 ταμεῖον tameion tam-i'-on  Strong’s
Neuter contraction of a presumed derivative of ταμίας tamias (a dispenser or distributor; akin to τέμνω temnō, to cut); a dispensary or magazine, that is, a chamber on the ground floor or interior of an Oriental house (generally used for storage or privacy, a spot for retirement): - secret chamber, closet, storehouse.
This room is private with no possibility for access from the street. This is a place for complete privacy. Nowdays probably a Bedroom or walk-in-robe would suffice. Every precaution should be taken that Prayer is unobserved. L.M
then pray to your Father who is in secret, and your Father--He who sees in secret--will recompense you.
You Father who sees in secret - Who is unseen.
Who seeth in secret - Who sees what the human eye cannot see; who sees the real designs and desires of the heart. Prayer should always be offered, remembering that God is acquainted with our real desires; and that it is those real desires, and not the words of prayer, that he will answer.

Mat 6:7  "And when praying, do not use needless repetitions as the Gentiles do, for they expect to be listened to because of their multitude of words.
do not use needless repetitions as the Gentiles do,
And praying,G4336 G1161 do notG3361 repeat over and overG945 asG5618 theG3588

Thayer Definition: heathen;G1482 [gentiles]ἐθνικός ethnikos
1) adapted to the genius or customs of a people, peculiar to a people, national
2) suited to the manners or language of foreigners, strange, foreign
3) in the NT savouring of the nature of pagans, alien to the worship of the true God, heathenish
I remember seeing some fundamentalists trying to introduce their prayer rituals in an African country by having a group of young men pray in the middle of the footpath on a busy street. It was all about show and making an impression. They got their reward.

Mat 6:8  Do not, however, imitate them; for your Father knows what things you need before ever you ask Him.
Do not, however, imitate them; [Do not be like them]
“Do not pray , as they do. Do not be duped as they are.”
for your Father knows what things you need before ever you ask Him.
The Reason, “for” Jesus gives is that Your Father knows even before you ask Him. Jesus could pray all night and sometimes prayed for long hours. Luke 6:12
He said that “they should always pray and not grow weary.” Lk 18:1

Jesus Manner of Praying

Mat 6:9  "In this manner therefore pray: 'Our Father who art in Heaven, may Thy name be kept holy;

'Our Father who art in Heaven, may Thy name be kept holy;

Mat 6:10  let Thy kingdom come; let Thy will be done, as in Heaven so on earth;
Mat 6:11  give us to-day our bread for the day;
Mat 6:12  and forgive us our shortcomings, as we also have forgiven those who have failed in their duty towards us;
Mat 6:13  and bring us not into temptation, but rescue us from the Evil one.'

Mat 6:14  "For if you forgive others their offences, your Heavenly Father will forgive you also;

Mat 6:15  but if you do not forgive others their offences, neither will your Father forgive yours.

Saturday 28 March 2015

Mat_6:1-18. Sermon on the Mount - continued. Jesus Cautions against Ostentation in Doing Good Deeds.

Further illustration of the righteousness of the kingdom - Its unostentatiousness. General caution against ostentation in religious duties.
unostentatiousness. Lack of ostentation or pretension: modesty, plainness, simpleness, simplicity, unassumingness, unpretentiousness.The American Heritage® Roget's Thesaurus. Copyright © 2013, 2014 by Houghton Mifflin Harcourt Publishing Company. Published by Houghton Mifflin Harcourt Publishing Company. All rights reserved.
Serbian Mud Hut on the Kosovo Plain

Jesus spoke in Chapter 5 concerning keeping the law in a way that was much higher in principle than the Pharisees. Now Jesus teaches on practical aspects of serving God.

The Three areas He especially mentions are : Giving Alms, Praying and Fasting.

  1. Matthew 6:1-4 Almsgiving

Mat 6:1  "Be careful not to do your good works in public in order to attract attention. If you do, your Father in heaven will not reward you.
Mat 6:2  So when you give to the poor, don't announce it with trumpet fanfare. This is what hypocrites do in the synagogues and on the streets in order to be praised by people. I can guarantee this truth: That will be their only reward.
Mat 6:3  When you give to the poor, don't let your left hand know what your right hand is doing.
Mat 6:4  Give your contributions privately. Your Father sees what you do in private. He will reward you. GW

Mat 6:1  "Be careful not to do your good works in public in order to attract attention. If you do, your Father in heaven will not reward you.
Almsgiving At Castle Street Colombo S
 "Be careful not to do your good works in public in order to attract attention.
Be careful GW Thayer Definitions 2) to turn the mind to, attend to be attentive
2a) to a person or a thing: of caring for, providing for 3) to attend to one’s self, i.e. to give heed to one’s self.
Be cautious, Murdock; Beware WNT; give full attention to L.M.
Concentrate on the central thing when you practice your righteousness.
your charity :Strong’s ἐλεημοσύνη eleēmosunē el-eh-ay-mos-oo'-nay
From G1656; compassionateness, that is, (as exercised towards the poor) beneficence, or (concretely) a benefaction: - alms (-deeds).
This word is used when you do anything for the service of God and is illustrated by: almsgiving, prayer and fasting
Watch out that it is not done for the enhancing of your religious reputation. L.M. p.136
If this is done then there is no reward with your Father who is in Heaven.

Mat 6:2  So when you give to the poor, don't announce it with trumpet fanfare. This is what hypocrites do in the synagogues and on the streets in order to be praised by people. I can guarantee this truth: That will be their only reward.
So when you give to the poor, don't announce it with trumpet fanfare
Giving of Alms: money, food, or other donations given to the poor or needy; anything given as

It was commanded in the OT
Deu 15:11  For the poor shall never cease out of the land. Therefore, I command you saying, You shall open your hand wide to your brother, to your poor, and to your needy, in your land.
don't announce it with trumpet fanfare. The synagogue and the streets were very public places where the religious hypocrites tried to make their impression by announcing their almsgiving. Such people are looking to be praised by men.
They have their reward. “They have received the sum total in full and they have their receipt.”
They sought the praise of men and they got what they looked for.

Mat 6:3  When you give to the poor, don't let your left hand know what your right hand is doing. GW
Mat 6:3  But when you do charitable giving, do not let your left hand know what your right hand is doing,
Mat 6:3  But when you give to the needy, do not let your left hand know what your right hand is doing,ESV
But:  This sets the true Christian in contrast to the Hypocrites. It is the very opposite to what they do.
Give alms in COMPLETE SECRECY. Dont let your left hand know what your right hand is doing
“Christian Charity must be marked by self-sacrifice and self-forgetfulness.”L.M. p. 138

Some SECRETS are GOOD to keep.

Mat 6:4  Give your contributions privately. Your Father sees what you do in private. He will reward you. GW
Try to do this good deed IN SECRET.
Your Father sees what you do in private. He will reward you. GW

God knows and cares what we do to extend His kingdom and care for the poor. He will reward what happens in secret.
There are so many Organisations that you can give to to help the Poor. Here are some:

Calcutta Mission of Mercy
We're a non-profit organization on a mission to feed, educate, and medically assist the poor of Calcutta,