Wednesday 28 October 2015

Matthew 27: 50 - 56 Strange Happenings after Jesus died on the Cross.

Mat 27:50  But Jesus uttered another loud cry and then yielded up His spirit.
Mat 27:51  Immediately the curtain of the Sanctuary was torn in two from top to bottom: the earth quaked; the rocks split;
Mat 27:52  the tombs opened; and many of God's people who were asleep in death awoke.
Mat 27:53  And coming out of their tombs after Christ's resurrection they entered the holy city and showed themselves to many.
Mat 27:54  As for the Captain and the soldiers who were with Him keeping guard over Jesus, when they witnessed the earthquake and the other occurrences they were filled with terror, and exclaimed, "Assuredly he was God's Son."
Mat 27:55  And there were a number of women there looking on from a distance, who had followed Jesus from Galilee ministering to His necessities;
Mat 27:56  among them being Mary of Magdala, Mary the mother of James and Joses, and the mother of the sons of Zabdi.


Mat 27:50  But Jesus uttered another loud cry and then yielded up His spirit.
But Jesus uttered another loud cry
Both Matthew and Mark say that Jesus uttered a LOUD CRY, though neither mention what he said. It  seems most likely that its was the cry that the apostle John reported immediately before His death when He cried, “IT IS FINiSHED.”
Joh 19:30  As soon as Jesus had taken the wine, He said, "It is finished." And then, bowing His head, He yielded up His spirit.

This points to the Completion of His Saving work on the Cross. Jesus has paid the full price for the Ransom of our souls. The completed Work
1. The promises beginning with that at the Fall.
2. The covenants with Noah, Abraham, and Israel.
3. The prophecies.
4. The types.
1. Every obstacle was removed, symbolized by the rending of the veil.
2. The way of mercy was opened. B.Illustrator

Stop Rehearsing Your Past!

One of the biggest, most common problems among Christians is the inability to forgive themselves. It’s called condemnation. If you want to move forward from the pain and bondage, you have to forgive yourself. If you want to heal, you have to forgive yourself. As long as we live, we will make mistakes. Our mistakes do not define us, how we react to them does!  When you know the truth, you will be set free. There are benefits of the cross. The truth about the cross will help you to be free from your past, present and future sins. You are not what you’ve done, you’re what you believe! When you are reminded of your failures, remind yourself of the finished work of Jesus Christ on the cross. He paid for all of your sins (past, present, and future) on the cross.  Forgiveness is not a bonus but a promise! Just as easily as you God forgives you, you must also forgive yourself. Do not spend time rehearsing your past, failures, sins or consequences. Spend your time meditating on the finished work of Jesus Christ on the cross. He said “It is finished!”

Mat 27:51  Immediately the curtain of the Sanctuary was torn in two from top to bottom: the earth quaked; the rocks split;

The First Amazing Happening after Christ died.

Immediately the curtain of the Sanctuary was torn in two from top to bottom:

The veil of the temple was rent - That is, the veil which separated the holy place, where the priests ministered, from the holy of holies, into which the high priest only entered, and that once a year, to make a general expiation for the sins of the people. This rending of the veil was emblematical, and pointed out that the separation between Jews and Gentiles was now abolished, and that the privilege of the high priest was now communicated to all mankind: All might henceforth have access to the throne of grace, through the one great atonement and mediator, the Lord Jesus. See this beautifully illustrated in Heb_10:19-22. A.Clark
Heb 10:19  Since then, brethren, we have free access to the Holy place through the blood of Jesus,
Heb 10:20  by the new and ever-living way which He opened up for us through the rending of the veil--that is to say, of His earthly nature--
Heb 10:21  and since we have a great Priest who has authority over the house of God,
Heb 10:22  let us draw near with sincerity and unfaltering faith, having had our hearts sprinkled, once for all, from consciences oppressed with sin, and our bodies bathed in pure water.

The Second Amazing Happening after Christ died.

The Earth qauked.
Earthquake in Nepal: Pray for them
Or shook. Earthquakes are violent convulsions of the ground, This was probably, however, a miraculous convulsion of the earth, in attestation of the truth that the sufferer was the Messiah, the Son of God, and as an exhibition of wrath at the crimes of those who put him to death. It was not confined to Judea, but was felt in other countries. It is mentioned by Roman writers.Barnes
The Rocks Split That is, were torn asunder. Rocks are still seen at Mount Calvary thus rent asunder, which are said to be the ones that were convulsed when the Saviour died. Barnes

The Third Amazing Happening

Mat 27:52  the tombs opened; and many of God's people who were asleep in death awoke.
And the graves were opened - “Graves” or sepulchres were most commonly made, among the Jews, in solid rocks or in caves of rocks. The rending of the rocks, therefore, would lay them open. The graves were opened by this earthquake, but the dead in them did not rise until after his resurrection.

And many bodies of the saints arose - Of course, it is not known who these were, nor what became of them. It is probable that they were persons who had recently died, and they appear to have been known in Jerusalem; at least, had the ancient saints risen, they would not have been known, and would not so soon have been credited as those who had recently died.
Which slept - Which had died. The death of saints is often called “sleep,” Dan_12:2; 1Co_15:18; 1Th_4:15.

Mat 27:53  And coming out of their tombs after Christ's resurrection they entered the holy city and showed themselves to many.
“The Breaking of the Tombs happened when Christ died, … “On the one hand, Jesus’
sacrificial death blots out sin, defeats the powers of evil and death, and opens up access to God . On the other, Jesus Victorious Resurrection and Vindication promise the final resurrection of those who die in Him.” Here Matthew has the Great Death and Resurrection in mind and links the raising of the saints of old to this whole happening. L.M. p. 725
And came out of the graves after his resurrection - The narrative of Matthew does not determine whether they came to life before Jesus rose, and remained in the tombs, or came to life after he died. The latter is probably the correct opinion. There is nothing said of the reason why they were raised. It is not improbable to suppose that it was, amid the other wonders attending the death of Jesus, to convince the Jews that he was the Messiah. Perhaps some who had been his open friends were raised up now as an attestation that he in whom they had believed was the Christ. What became of them after they had entered into the city whether they again died or ascended to heaven, is not revealed, and conjecture is vain.
The holy city - Jerusalem, called holy because the temple was there, because it was devoted to God, and because it was the place of religious solemnities.Barnes

The Fourth Amazing Happening The Captain and Guard are convinced.

Mat 27:54  As for the Captain and the soldiers who were with Him keeping guard over Jesus, when they witnessed the earthquake and the other occurrences they were filled with terror, and exclaimed, "Assuredly he was God's Son."
The Evidence of the earthquake, the darkness, the rocks splitting etc., caused the guards to be filled with terror and cry out. They were convinced that Jesus was God’s Son.

Now when the centurion — the military superintendent of the execution.
and they that were with him watching Jesus, saw the earthquake — or felt it and witnessed its effects.
and those things that were done — reflecting upon the entire transaction.
they feared greatly — convinced of the presence of a Divine Hand.
saying, Truly this was the Son of God — There cannot be a reasonable doubt that this expression was used in the Jewish sense, and that it points to the claim which Jesus made to be the Son of God, and on which His condemnation expressly turned. The meaning, then, clearly is that He must have been what He professed to be; in other words, that He was no impostor. There was no medium between those two. See, on the similar testimony of the penitent thief - “This man hath done nothing amiss” - Luk_23:41.JFB.

Mat 27:55  And there were a number of women there looking on from a distance, who had followed Jesus from Galilee ministering to His necessities;

Beholding afar off - These women were probably not suffered to come near the cross because it was surrounded by soldiers. They witnessed with intense feelings his sufferings from some convenient place as near as they could approach.
Ministering unto him - Attending him and providing for his wants. While multitudes of people joined in the cry, “Crucify him!” and forsook him in his trying moments, it does not appear that any of his female followers were thus unfaithful. In the midst of all his trials, and all the Contempt poured upon him, they adhered to their Redeemer. Never did female constancy shine more brightly, and never was a happier example set for all who should afterward believe on him! Barnes

Mat 27:56  among them being Mary of Magdala, Mary the mother of James and Joses, and the mother of the sons of Zabdi.
Mary Magdalene - Mary of Magdala. She had a special cause of attachment to the Saviour, having been relieved by him of a most dreadful calamity and restored to her right mind, after being possessed by seven devils.
Luk 8:1  Shortly after this He visited town after town, and village after village, proclaiming His Message and telling the Good News of the Kingdom of God. The Twelve were with Him,
Luk 8:2  and certain women whom He had delivered from evil spirits and various diseases--Mary of Magdala, out of whom seven demons had come, Barnes

And the mother of Zebedee’s children - That is, of James and John, Mat_10:2. Her name was Salome, Mar_15:40. Barnes
Mary Magdalene, out of whom went seven devils: by the order of Christ, for he cast them out, Mar_16:9 and which shows, that this is to be understood, in a literal sense, of devils, and the dispossession of them by Christ; and not in a figurative sense, of vices, and the expulsion of them by the power of divine grace; for this same phrase is used where real dispossessions are intended. J.Gill

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