Wednesday 14 October 2015

Matthew 26 : 31 - 355 Jesus in the Garden of Gethsemane.

Denying the Lord.
Mat 26:31  Then said Jesus, "This night all of you will stumble and fail in your fidelity to me; for it is written, 'I WILL STRIKE THE SHEPHERD, AND THE SHEEP OF THE FLOCK WILL BE SCATTERED IN ALL DIRECTIONS.'
Mat 26:32  But after I have risen to life again I will go before you into Galilee."
Mat 26:33  "All may stumble and fail," said Peter, "but I never will."
Mat 26:34  "In solemn truth I tell you," replied Jesus, "that this very night, before the cock crows, you will three times disown me."
Mat 26:35  "Even if I must die with you," declared Peter, "I will never disown you." In like manner protested all the disciples.


It is easy to make rash statements when you are confused or misunderstand the situation. Better to keep your mouth firmly shut. Jesus leads them to the Garden of Gethsemane just outside Jerusalem. The emotional and physical tension is mounting fast. Jesus looks to his disciples to support Him in prayer but the are exhausted after the last twenty-four hours.

Peter’s Promise not  to deny the Lord. Vv. 31 - 35

Mat 26:31  Then said Jesus, "This night all of you will stumble and fail in your fidelity to me; for it is written, 'I WILL STRIKE THE SHEPHERD, AND THE SHEEP OF THE FLOCK WILL BE SCATTERED IN ALL DIRECTIONS.'
Jesus knew what was about to take place but  the disciples were completely unaware that anything out of the ordinary was about to happen.
Here is a warning that Jesus gave them even before anything happened.
"This night all of you will stumble and fail in your fidelity to me; for it is written, 'I WILL STRIKE THE SHEPHERD, AND THE SHEEP OF THE FLOCK WILL BE SCATTERED IN ALL DIRECTIONS.'
This night, in the immediate future this would all happen.

all of you will stumble and fail in your fidelity to me;

stumble G4624 σκανδαλίζω skandalizō
Thayer Definition:
1) to put a stumbling block or impediment in the way, upon which another may trip and fall, metaphorically to offend
1a) to entice to sin
1b) to cause a person to begin to distrust and desert one whom he ought to trust and obey
1b1) to cause to fall away
1b2) to be offended in one, i.e. to see in another what I disapprove of and what hinders me from acknowledging his authority
1b3) to cause one to judge unfavourably or unjustly of another
1c) since one who stumbles or whose foot gets entangled feels annoyed
1c1) to cause one displeasure at a thing
1c2) to make indignant
1c3) to be displeased, indignant

Leon Morris comments “It is difficult to get an adequate translation for the verb rendered stumble  or brought down others have fall away; or take offence at me. Jesus expected them to have a grievous lapse of character. They had been caught in a trap. Out of fear they will run away.

The Kalahari Bushmen, they showed us how to set a berry-baited bird trap. Once caught in the noose, the bird strangles itself trying to get free. Later they cook it in ash, still in its feathers.

Jesus sees this scattering as a fulfillment of Scripture. (written in the perfect tense again indicating something written a long time ago, but of continuing force. he cites Zechariah 13: 7LM p. 664 see below...

Mat 26:32  But after I have risen to life again I will go before you into Galilee."
have risen to life again G1453 ἐγείρω egeirō
Thayer Definition:
1) to arouse, cause to rise 1a) to arouse from sleep, to awake 1b) to arouse from the sleep of death, to recall the dead to life 1c) to cause to rise from a seat or bed etc.
1d) to raise up, produce, cause to appear 1d1) to cause to appear, bring before the public
1d2) to raise up, stir up, against one 1d3) to raise up, i.e. cause to be born
1d4) of buildings, to raise up, construct, erect
He does not say that he will rise but that he will be raised up. The Father raised Him by the Power of the Holy Spirit
I will go before you into Galilee."
I will go before you - Still alluding to the case of the shepherd and his sheep. Though the shepherd has been smitten and the sheep scattered, the shepherd shall revive again, collect the scattered flock, and go before them, and lead them to peace, security, and happiness. A.Clark
Mat 26:33  "All may stumble and fail," said Peter, "but I never will."
As usual it is Peter who responds to the words of Jesus. He boasts that whatever the others may do he would not fail Jesus. He could be relied upon to stick by His Lord. All may be brought down or trapped but He will never be brought down.  He wanted to be faithful whatever happened.
Mat 26:34  "In solemn truth I tell you," replied Jesus, "that this very night, before the cock crows, you will three times disown me."
"In solemn truth I tell you," ( Amen ) G281 ἀμήν amēn
Thayer Definition:
1) firm 1a) metaphorically faithful
2) verily, amen 2a) at the beginning of a discourse - surely, truly, of a truth 2b) at the end - so it is, so be it, may it be fulfilled. It was a custom, which passed over from the synagogues to the Christian assemblies, that when he who had read or discoursed, had offered up solemn prayer to God, the others responded Amen, and thus made the substance of what was uttered their own.
This was a solemn Introduction for the Following truth showing the importance of the words that would follow. L.M. p. 665

"that this very night, before the cock crows, you will three times disown me."
This whole scene was set at an exact time. (This Very NIGHT.)
Before the rooster crows. Makes the time more precise. This was during the thrid watch of the Night according to the Romans.  Before cockcrow,, you will deny me three times..
deny, reject or disown
G533 ἀπαρνέομαι aparneomai Thayer Definition:
1) to deny
1a) to affirm that one has no acquaintance or connection with someone
1b) to forget one’s self, lose sight of one’s self and one’s own interests
that this night before the cock crow, thou shalt deny me thrice; which is, as if he should say, thou wilt not only be offended because of me, and flee from me, and be scattered with the rest, as will be the case of all of you; but thou wilt deny that thou knowest me, that thou belongest to me, or hast any concern with me; and this thou wilt do not only once, but again and again, even three times, one after another, and that this very night, before the cock has done crowing. In Mark it is said, "that this day, even in this night, before the cock crow twice, thou shalt deny me thrice", John Gill

Mat 26:35  "Even if I must die with you," declared Peter, "I will never disown you." In like manner protested all the disciples.
This prediction evokes a strong contradiction from the mouth of the leader of the disciples.
"Even if I must die with you," declared Peter…
That very night the hordes with Judas came to arrest Jesus and Peter was completely found wanting.
"I will  (certainly) never disown you."  or deny you.
It seemed completely incomprehensible that he would deny His Master.
In like manner protested all the disciples.
They all joined in saying they would not deny their Lord. The Protested that they would be loyal whatever happened.
Boko Haram is thought to be holding more than 220 schoolgirls captive, having kidnapped them from the north-east town of Chibok in mid-April Photo: Not necessarily Monica Photo

In Northern Nigeria there were over 270 girls abducted by Boko Haram Militants. Monica was one of them. They tried to force her to become a Muslim but she refused. She had been a Christian for many years and she was not about to change now. They dug a large hole in the ground and buried her up to her neck. Then they challenged her to recant. She refused so they stoned her to death. What a testimony to the Grace and Mercy of God.
How will you react when put to the TEST?

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