Monday 26 October 2015

Matthew 27 : 37 - 44 The Crucifixion of Jesus (Cont))

Jesus Taunted and Insulted on the Cross by three groups of people.
Mat 27:38  At the same time two robbers were crucified with Him, one at His right hand and the other at His left.
Mat 27:39  And the passers-by reviled Him. They shook their heads at Him
Mat 27:40  and said, "You who would pull down the Sanctuary and build a new one within three days, save yourself. If you are God's Son, come down from the cross."
Mat 27:41  In like manner the High Priests also, together with the Scribes and the Elders, taunted Him.
Mat 27:42  "He saved others," they said, "himself he cannot save! He is the King of Israel! Let him now come down from the cross, and we will believe in him.
Mat 27:43  His trust is in God: let God deliver him now, if He will have him; for he said, 'I am God's Son.'"
Mat 27:44  Insults of the same kind were heaped on Him even by the robbers who were being crucified with Him.


Yesterday we looked at Simon from Cyrene, now Libya, who was forced to carry Jesus’ Cross. Jesus was taken to the place of the skull and there He was crucified on a cruel Roman Cross. He is not alone there but between two thieves.
Everyone who could, railed at Him and reviled Him especially the High Priests and their gang.


Mat 27:38  At the same time two robbers were crucified with Him, one at His right hand and the other at His left.
These two men were bandits.(robbers and brigands, who may have been members of the Zealots or resistance movement). Here is Jesus between two convicted criminals when He was executed. Isaiah 53 :12  Therefore I will divide to Him with the great, and He shall divide the spoil with the strong; because He has poured out His soul to death; and He was counted among the transgressors; and He bore the sin of many, and made intercession for transgressors.

The Three Groups Revile and Insult our Lord Jesus Christ

Mat 27:39  And the passers-by reviled Him. They shook their heads at Him
And they that passed by,.... In the road to or from Jerusalem; for, it seems, the crosses were placed by the wayside; or they who passed by the cross, the populace that came from Jerusalem, on purpose to see the sight,

reviled him, or "blasphemed him": they spoke all manner of evil of him, they could think of, to which he answered not a word; and which may teach us patience under the revilings of men: this was foretold of him, Psa_89:51, "they have reproached the footsteps of thine anointed", or "Messiah";

Mat 27:40  and said, "You who would pull down the Sanctuary and build a new one within three days, save yourself. If you are God's Son, come down from the cross."
He saved others; Himself lie cannot save.
I. The incontestable fact-“He saved others.” Let us bring forth witnesses: Angels, healed men and women.
II. Himself He cannot save. He is Divine. The world was made by Him; yet Himself He cannot save. The acts of unlimited providence are ascribed to Him” He sustaineth all things by the word of His power.” “Himself He cannot save.” The resurrection of the dead, administration of judgment are ascribed to Him. “Himself He cannot save.” The power to save Himself is demonstrated in those very acts by which He “saved others.” The devils were subject to Him. “No man taketh my life from Me, I lay it down of Myself.”
III. However paradoxical all this may seem, I must proceed to establish the momentous truth ignorantly expressed in those words. In its literal sense it was false; Jesus was not destitute of physical power to save Himself; in its theological sense it was true. There was no original necessity that the Son of God must die; He might have left the race to perish. The necessity of the death of Jesus was founded-
1. In the purpose and foreordination of God.
2. On the fulfilment which that event gives to the predictions of sacred Scripture.
3. To fulfil the typical representations by which, under the Mosaic law, it had been prefigured.
4. In order to verify His own declarations.
5. As a sacrificial atonement for the sins of the world. Bible Illustrator

Mat 27:41  In like manner the High Priests also, together with the Scribes and the Elders, taunted Him.
In like manner also (Likewise also). All classes that composed the Sanhedrin were present at the execution, and took part in the reviling; but, unlike the soldiers (
Luk_23:36) and the mob, they did not address him personally, either from supreme contempt, or because they stood aloof from the herd, and spake among themselves. Some few authorities of no great weight, after "elders" add "and Pharisees;" but the words are an interpolation, though they are without doubt true in fact. That these leaders should presume thus to revile One whom they knew to be innocent is unspeakably iniquitous.

Mat 27:42  "He saved others," they said, "himself he cannot save! He is the King of Israel! Let him now come down from the cross, and we will believe in him.
The Complete Rejection of Jesus by Official JUDAISM
Leon Morris Comments, “It is surprising that people of this eminence should be present at the Crucifixion, and the fact that they were is an indication of the depth of their hostility and vindictiveness towards Jesus.
The Taunts of the general public were directed straight at Jesus, but  it is in the character that these aristocratic folk did not address the sufferer, though they no doubt made sure their words were loud enough to be heard by Him. L.M. p.718

"He saved others," they said, "himself he cannot save! He is the King of Israel!
Matthew recorded Jesus saving acts:
Mat 9:20  But a woman who for twelve years had been afflicted with haemorrhage came behind Him and touched the tassel of His cloak;
Mat 9:21  for she said to herself, "If I but touch His cloak, I shall be cured."
Mat 9:22  And Jesus turned and saw her, and said, "Take courage, daughter; your faith has cured you." And the woman was restored to health from that moment.

Mat 14:30  But when he felt the wind he grew frightened, and beginning to sink he cried out, "Master, save me."
Mat 14:31  Instantly Jesus stretched out His hand and caught hold of him, saying to him, "O little faith, why did you doubt?"

Though they did not realise it they were witnesses to the Greatest SAVING ACT of in the History of the World and they had taken a leading part in the events. L.M. p.718

He is the King of Israel! Let him now come down from the cross, and we will believe in him.
The High priests and Co., are sarcastic saying, “A King on a Cross!!!!”
Jesus is King even if the Jews had put Him on the Cross. They said they would believe in Him if He came down from the Cross. Why did they not believe when He rose from the dead?
If he be the King of Israel ... - It may seem strange to some that Jesus did not vindicate by a miracle his claims to be the Messiah, and come down from the cross. But the time had come for him to make an atonement. He had given full and sufficient proof that he was the Christ. Those who had rejected him, and who mocked and taunted him, would have been little likely to admit his claims if he had come down from the cross, since they had set at naught all his other miracles. They said this for the purpose of insult; and Jesus chose rather to suffer, though his character was assailed, than to work a new miracle for their gratification. He had foretold his death, and the time had come; and now, amid revilings, and gibes, and curses, and the severe sarcasms of an angry and apparently triumphant priesthood, he chose to die for the sins of the world. Barnes

Mat 27:43  His trust is in God: let God deliver him now, if He will have him; for he said, 'I am God's Son.'"
If he will have him - Or, if he delight in him - ει θελει αυτον. The verbs θελω and εθελω, are used by the Septuagint in more than forty places for the Hebrew חפץ  chaphets, which signifies, earnestly to desire, or delight in. Now as this is a quotation from Psa_22:8, He trusted in the Lord, that he would deliver him; let him deliver him, (כי חפץ בו  ki chaphets bo), for he Hath Delighted In Him: - ὁτι θελει αυτον, Sept. This will sufficiently vindicate the above translation; as the evangelist quotes the words from that version, with the simple change of ει, if, for ὁτι, because. A.Clark

Mat 27:44  Insults of the same kind were heaped on Him even by the robbers who were being crucified with Him.
Here  is the third group who heaped insults on Him. Matthew does not mention the thief who wanted to be with Him in His Kingdom.
On all sides there is Opposition and Antagonism. One thief found forgiveness in the midst of the railing Insults.

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