Sunday 7 June 2015

Matthew 9:35 - 10 : 42 Jesus Second Discourse

The Harvest and the Workers; The Mission of the Twelve, Troubles and Loyalty.
Matthew has finished the Teaching of Jesus, in the Principles of the Kingdom known as the Sermon on the Mount and also the chapters 8 and 9 on His Miracles. He has shown us that by both Word and Deed he has revealed His Authority as Israel’s Messiah.

Now we have the bestowing of some of His Authority on His disciples.
He tells them what He expects of them His followers. Then we have the account of Him choosing the Twelve Disciples and His sending them forth on their first mission to preach and to heal. Up until now it has been the Master, Preaching and Healing the sick. But “in the providence of God the Followers of Jesus are to be given an important place in the Work of the Kingdom.

The Choosing and the sending out of the Apostles is the first step; in due time this will be extended through the work God would do through His church." Leon Morris p.23

At the beginning of his ministry on the earth, Jesus chose 12 men to be the core team that would carry on his work. It was to be a dynamic relationship that would last the rest of their lives. This was not an accident, but a deliberate strategy.
The permanent place that the 12 apostles have in God’s purposes can be seen from the book of Revelation which describes the New Jerusalem – the city of God. This is a picture of God’s people perfected in heaven. John says,
“Now the wall of the city had twelve foundations, and on them were the names of the twelve apostles of the Lamb.” Revelation 21:14 Colin Dye

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