Sunday 7 June 2015

Matthew 9 : 18 -- 26 Jesus heals the Sick Woman and raises the Dead Child

Mat 9:18  While He was thus speaking, a Ruler came up and profoundly bowing said, "My daughter is just dead; but come and put your hand upon her and she will return to life."
Mat 9:19  And Jesus rose and followed him, as did also His disciples.
Mat 9:20  But a woman who for twelve years had been afflicted with haemorrhage came behind Him and touched the tassel of His cloak;
Mat 9:21  for she said to herself, "If I but touch His cloak, I shall be cured."
Mat 9:22  And Jesus turned and saw her, and said, "Take courage, daughter; your faith has cured you." And the woman was restored to health from that moment.
Mat 9:23  Entering the Ruler's house, Jesus saw the flute-players and the crowd loudly wailing,
Mat 9:24  and He said, "Go out of the room; the little girl is not dead, but asleep." And they laughed at Him.
Mat 9:25  When however the place was cleared of the crowd, Jesus went in, and on His taking the little girl by the hand, she rose up.
Mat 9:26  And the report of this spread throughout all that district. WNT


Here we have again the Compassionate Saviour ministering to the needs of broken hurting humanity.
Firstly we will look at the Raising of Jairus’ daughter from the dead, then the Woman with the Haemorrhage or Issue of blood for twelve long years.

Mat 9:18  While He was thus speaking, a Ruler came up and profoundly bowing said, "My daughter is just dead; but come and put your hand upon her and she will return to life."

a Ruler came up and profoundly bowing said
Ruler G758 ἄρχων archōn Thayer Definition:
1) a ruler, commander, chief, leader
Mark and Luke say that his name was Jairus, and that he was a “ruler of the synagogue;” that is, one of the elders to whom was committed the care of the synagogue.Barnes

and profoundly bowing G4352 προσκυνέω proskuneō
Thayer Definition: 1) to kiss the hand to (towards) one, in token of reverence
2) among the Orientals, especially the Persians, to fall upon the knees and touch the ground with the forehead as an expression of profound reverence
3) in the NT by kneeling or prostration to do homage (to one) or make obeisance, whether in order to express respect or to make supplication
3a) used of homage shown to men and beings of superior rank 3a1) to the Jewish high priests3a2) to God3a3) to Christ 3a4) to heavenly beings 3a5) to demons
Part of Speech: verb

said, "My daughter is just dead; but come and put your hand upon her and she will return to life."
My daughter is just dead; He thought it was not too late for the girl had just died. If Jesus wants to raise someone up He can do it. Lazarus in John 11 was dead four days and Jesus called him out of the Tomb.
but come and put your hand upon her and she will return to life."
He had faith that the Touch of Jesus’ hand would raise up his daughter from the dead.
Jesus now tells us to lay hands on the sick and they will be healed Mark 16 :15
If Jesus could cleanse a leper with a touch of his hand or raise up Peter’s Mother-In-law
who had a fever then Jesus can touch you vicariously through an anointed believer today.
Mat 9:19  And Jesus rose and followed him, as did also His disciples.

Jesus heals the Woman with the Haemorrhage of blood for twelve years

Mat 9:20  But a woman who for twelve years had been afflicted with haemorrhage came behind Him and touched the tassel of His cloak;
Mat 9:21  for she said to herself, "If I but touch His cloak, I shall be cured."
Mat 9:22  And Jesus turned and saw her, and said, "Take courage, daughter; your faith has cured you." And the woman was restored to health from that moment.

On the way to raise Jairus’ the Synagogue Ruler’s, daughter Matthew introduces another story of deliverance. It is the famous story of the Healing of the Woman with the Issue or haemorrhage of blood.
What horrible implications for a Jewish woman with a haemorrhage is told in the Old Testament.
Lev 15:25  And if a woman has an issue of her blood many days outside of the time of her impurity, or if she issues it beyond the time of her impurity, all the days of the issue of her uncleanness shall be as the days of her impurity. She is unclean.
Lev 15:26  Every bed on which she lies all the days of her issue shall be to her as the bed of her impurity. And whatever she sits on shall be unclean, as the uncleanness of her impurity.
Lev 15:27  And whoever touches those things shall be unclean, and shall wash his clothes and bathe in water, and be unclean until the evening.
Lev 15:28  But if she is cleansed of her issue, then she shall number to herself seven days, and after that she shall be clean.

She is considered unclean and therefore an outcast from all participation in the community. She could not attend worship at the synagogue and was restricted in all her contacts with other people.
Mat 9:21  for she said to herself, "If I but touch His cloak, I shall be cured."
She was convinced that One touch of Jesus and she would be healed forever. S
She came up behind him and touch the tassels on the end of His cloak. Among the Jews they wore tassels on the end of their outer garment to remind them to follow the Commands of God.
Numbers 15: 37 - 38; Deut 22 :12 This was normal for Jews to have these tassels.

See Mark’s Description of this incident. Mar 5:29  And instantly the fountain of her blood dried up. And she felt in her body that she was healed of that plague.
Mar 5:30  And knowing instantly within Himself that power had gone out of Him, Jesus turned Himself around in the press and said, Who touched My clothes?
Mar 5:31  And His disciples said to Him, You see the crowd pressing on You, and do You say, Who touched Me?
Mar 5:32  And He looked around to see her who had done this thing.
Mar 5:33  But the woman, fearing and trembling, knowing what had been done in her, came and fell down before Him and told Him all the truth.
Mar 5:34  And He said to her, Daughter, your faith has made you well. Go in peace, and be whole from your plague.

Jesus can meet your Need today if you but reach out and in Faith touch the Hem of His garment. Just press through the crowd and seek the healing you so definitely need

Mat 9:23  Entering the Ruler's house, Jesus saw the flute-players and the crowd loudly wailing,
Jesus permitted only three of his disciples, Peter, James, and John the brother of James, and the father and mother of the damsel, to go in with him where the corpse lay, Mar_5:37-40
It was important that there should be “witnesses” of the miracle, and he chose a sufficient number. “Five” witnesses were enough to establish the fact. The witnesses were impartial. The fact that she was dead was established beyond a doubt. Of this the mourners, the parents, the messengers, the people, were satisfied. If she was presented to the people “alive,” the proof of the miracle was complete… Barnes
Jesus saw the flute-players and the crowd loudly wailing,
And saw the minstrels and the people making a noise - Minstrels” are persons who play on instruments of music. The people of the East used to bewail the dead by cutting the flesh, tearing the hair, and crying bitterly. See Jer_9:17; Jer_16:6-7; Eze_24:17. The expressions of grief at the death of a friend, in Eastern countries, are extreme. As soon as a person dies, all the females in the family set up a loud and doleful cry. They continue it as long as they can without taking breath, and the shriek of wailing dies away in a low sob

Mat 9:24  and He said, "Go out of the room; the little girl is not dead, but asleep." And they laughed at Him.
The maid is not dead, but sleeps - That is, she is not dead so as to continue under the power of death; but shall be raised from it as a, person is from natural sleep.
They laughed him to scorn - Κατεγελων αυτον, they ridiculed him; from κατα, intensive, and γελαω, I laugh: - they grinned a ghastly smile, expressive of the contempt they felt for his person and knowledge. People of the world generally ridicule those truths which they neither comprehend nor love, and deride those who publish them; but a faithful minister of God, (copying the example of Christ), keeps on his way, and does the work of his Lord and Master.A.C.

Mat 9:25  When however the place was cleared of the crowd, Jesus went in, and on His taking the little girl by the hand, she rose up.
After the wailing crowd was removed He takes the little girl by the hand and she rose up.
What amazing things happen when Jesus shows up.

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