Thursday 25 June 2015

Matthew 11:7 - 19 Jesus speaks about John the Baptist the Forerunner.

The Greatness of John the Baptist.
Mat 11:7  When the messengers had taken their leave, Jesus proceeded to say to the multitude concerning John, "What did you go out into the Desert to gaze at? A reed waving in the wind?
Mat 11:8  But what did you go out to see? A man luxuriously dressed? Those who wear luxurious clothes are to be found in kings' palaces.
Mat 11:9  But why did you go out? To see a prophet? Yes, I tell you, and far more than a prophet.
Mat 11:11  "I solemnly tell you that among all of woman born no greater has ever been raised up than John the Baptist; yet one who is of lower rank in the Kingdom of the Heavens is greater than he.
Mat 11:12  But from the time of John the Baptist till now, the Kingdom of the Heavens has been suffering violent assault, and the violent have been seizing it by force.
Mat 11:13  For all the Prophets and the Law taught until John.
Mat 11:14  And (if you are willing to receive it) he is the Elijah who was to come.
Mat 11:15  Listen, everyone who has ears!
Mat 11:16  "But to what shall I compare the present generation? It is like children sitting in the open places, who call to their playmates.
Mat 11:17  "'We have played the flute to you,' they say, 'and you have not danced: we have sung dirges, and you have not beaten your breasts.'
Mat 11:18  "For John came neither eating nor drinking, and they say, 'He has a demon.'
Mat 11:19  The Son of Man came eating and drinking, and they exclaim, 'See this man! --given to gluttony and tippling, and a friend of tax-gatherers and notorious sinners!' And yet Wisdom is vindicated by her actions."
John is in prison and confused about the true identity of Jesus even though he had been the one to cry out, “Behold the Lamb of God which takes away the sin of the world.” Prison experiences can either make you better or bitter.

Mat 11:7  When the messengers had taken their leave, Jesus proceeded to say to the multitude concerning John, "What did you go out into the Desert to gaze at? A reed waving in the wind?
And as they departed ... - Jesus took occasion, from the inquiries made by John’s disciples, to instruct the people respecting the true character of John. Multitudes had gone out to hear him when he preached in the desert Matt. 3, and it is probable that many had been attracted by the novelty of his appearance or doctrines, or had gone simply to see and hear a man of singular habits and opinions. Probably many who followed Christ had been of that number. He took occasion, therefore, by some striking questions, to examine the motives by which they had been drawn to his ministry. Barnes
A reed waving in the wind? - The region of country in which John preached, being overflowed annually by the Jordan, produced great quantities of “reeds” or “canes,” of a light fragile nature, easily shaken by the wind. They were therefore an image of a light, changing, inconstant man. John’s sending to Christ to inquire his character might have led some to suppose that he was changing and inconstant, like a reed. He had once acknowledged him to be the Messiah, and now, being in prison and sending to him to inquire into the fact, they might have supposed he had no firmness or fixed principles. Jesus, by asking this question, declared that, notwithstanding this appearance, this was not the character of John. Barnes

Mat 11:8  But what did you go out to see? A man luxuriously dressed? [Behold] Those who wear luxurious clothes are to be found in kings' palaces.
But what: ‘if it was not that, what was it,’ etc.
A man clothed in soft raiment or luxuriously dressed? An allusion to the coarseness of John’s clothing (chap. Mat_4:3).
Behold. This is equivalent to, ‘oh no, such are not found in the wilderness.’
In kings’ houses; not in kings’ prisons. An allusion to the courtiers about Herod Antipas. John was not a flatterer nor had he drawn back from his testimony to Jesus to escape from prison or from any selfish motive. Thus our Lord defends His forerunner from the suspicion of the multitude.
A Popular Commentary on the New Testament.

Mat 11:9  But why did you go out? To see a prophet? Yes, I tell you, and far more than a prophet.
More than a prophet -  Sustaining a character more elevated and sacred than the most distinguished of the ancient prophets. Those had been regarded as the most eminent of the prophets who had most clearly predicted the Messiah. Isaiah had been distinguished above all others for the sublimity of his writings, and the clearness with which he had foretold the coming of Christ. Yet John surpassed even him. He lived in the time of the Messiah himself. He predicted his coming with still more clarity. He was the instrument of introducing him to the nation. He was, therefore, first among the prophets. Barnes

Jesus explains, John’s greatness arises because he is not only a prophet but himself the fulfillment of prophecy Malachi 3:1
Mal 3:1  Behold, I will send My messenger, and He will clear the way before Me. And Jehovah, whom you seek, shall suddenly come to His temple, even the Angel of the Covenant, in whom you delight. Behold, He comes, says Jehovah of Hosts.
Mal 3:2  But who can endure the day of His coming? And who shall stand when He appears? For He is like a refiner's fire, and like fuller's soap.

This makes John the Forerunner of Christ the Messiah. Thus he is greater than those who prophesied His coming.
You should not miss that in the Malachi passage it is originally speaking of Yahweh. Jesus is the manifestation of Yahweh in the Old Testament.
The Function of the Messenger was “To prepare the way before You.”
John came to get people ready for the arrival of the MESSIAH. So John had a very important role only exceeded by the Messiah Himself.

Mat 11:11  "I solemnly tell you that among all of woman born no greater has ever been raised up than John the Baptist; yet one who is of lower rank in the Kingdom of the Heavens is greater than he.

no greater has ever been raised up than John the Baptist;
John was great as God reckons greatness. LM. John the baptist belonged to the old Order, but Jesus now speaks of those in the Kingdom of the heavens. John was not in the Christian Era and thus not of the statue of those in the Kingdom of God. How Privileged we are who have been brought into the Kingdom

Mat 11:12  But from the time of John the Baptist till now, the Kingdom of the Heavens has been suffering violent assault, and the violent have been seizing it by force.
the Kingdom of the Heavens has been suffering violent assault, and the violent have been seizing it by force.
The Kingdom is entered by people of burning zeal.
the Kingdom of the Heavens has been suffering violent assault,  or as the NIV has it
has been forcefully advancing L.M.
The kingdom of heaven suffereth violence - The tax-gatherers and heathens, whom the scribes and Pharisees think have no right to the kingdom of the Messiah, filled with holy zeal and earnestness, seize at once on the proffered mercy of the Gospel, and so take the kingdom as by force from those learned doctors who claimed for themselves the chiefest places in that kingdom. Christ himself said, The tax-gatherers and harlots go before you into the kingdom of God. See the parallel place, Luk_7:28-30. He that will take, get possession of the kingdom of righteousness, peace, and spiritual joy, must be in earnest: all hell will oppose him in every step he takes; and if a man be not absolutely determined to give up his sins and evil companions, and have his soul saved at all hazards, and at every expense, he will surely perish everlastingly. This requires a violent earnestness. A.Clark

Mat 11:13  For all the Prophets and the Law taught until John.

John is the end of the Old Testament Era. All the Prophets and the Law were preliminary to to the Coming of Jesus the Messiah. They prophesied the Coming of Messiah. They were up until John but not beyond him.
Mat 11:14  And (if you are willing to receive it) he is the Elijah who was to come.
If you are willing to change and receive this new revelation, Jesus identifies John with Elijah who was to come. Thus fulfilling the prophecy of Malachi 4:5 cp John 121
Mat 11:15  Listen, everyone who has ears! Don’t just listen but listen hear and put it into practice
Mat 11:16  "But to what shall I compare the present generation? It is like children sitting in the open places, who call to their playmates.
Mat 11:17  "'We have played the flute to you,' they say, 'and you have not danced: we have sung dirges, and you have not beaten your breasts.
That Generation; “Why didnt they take John nor Jesus seriously?”
'But whereunto shall I liken this generation? - That is, the Jewish people - την γενεαν ταυτην, this race: and so the word γενεα is often to be understood in the evangelists.
In the markets - Or, places of concourse, αγοραις, from αγειρω, I gather together; not a market-place only, but any place of public resort: probably meaning here, places of public amusement.
Calling unto their fellows - Or, companions. Instead of εταιροις, companions, many of the best MSS. have ετεροις, others. The great similarity of the words might have easily produced this difference.
There are some to whom everything is useful in leading them to God; others, to whom nothing is sufficient. Every thing is good to an upright mind, every thing bad to a vicious heart. A.Clark
Mat 11:18  "For John came neither eating nor drinking, and they say, 'He has a demon.'
Mat 11:19  The Son of Man came eating and drinking, and they exclaim, 'See this man! -- given to gluttony and tippling, and a friend of tax-gatherers and notorious sinners!' And yet Wisdom is vindicated by her actions."

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