Tuesday 9 June 2015

Matthew 10 : 1 - 42 The Mission of the Twelve Apostles.

The Twelve, His Charge to Them, Troubles ahead and the need for Fearlessness and Loyalty.
Jesus Summons to the Twelve disciples  and and His Commission for the Work He is sending them to. Cp. Mark 3:13-19; 6:7-11; Luke 9 : 1 - 6; 10:1-15
Matthew speaks of Persecutions in 10:17 - 18. Luke includes the sending out of the 70 disciples in Luke 10. This is not mentioned in Matthew or Mark.

Jesus chose Twelve for Special Service and sent them on a Mission; he tells us of the Instructions that Jesus gave, some of which had a good deal of relevance during the subsequent years to the life of the Master. Leon Morris p.241

Summary from Adam Clark:

Jesus calls, commissions, and names his twelve disciples, Mat_10:1-4. Gives them particular instructions relative to the objects of their ministry, Mat_10:5, Mat_10:6. Mode of preaching, etc., Mat_10:7-15. Foretells the afflictions and persecutions they would have to endure, and the support they should receive, Mat_10:16-25. Cautions them against betraying his cause, in order to procure their personal safety, Mat_10:26-39. And gives especial promises to those who should assist his faithful servants in the execution of their work, Mat_10:40-42.
Portrait engraving of Adam Clarke at the age of 27.

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