Friday 22 May 2015

Matthew 8:1 - 9:34 Jesus Ministry of Healing .

  1. Three Famous Healings   8: 1 - 17
  1. The Cleansing of the Leper 8:1 - 4
  2. The Centurion’s Servant 8 : 5 - 13
  3. The Healing of Peter’s Mother - in - Law 8:14 - 17

Introduction. The Signs of the Kingdom [His Reign or Rule]

In Matthew  4:23 we have a summary of Three - Fold  Ministry of Jesus, as one of Teaching, Preaching and Healing the Sick.

Mat 4:23  Then Jesus travelled through all Galilee, teaching in their synagogues and proclaiming the Good News of the Kingdom, and curing every kind of disease and infirmity among the people. WtNT

Matthew Chapters 5 - 7 are the outstanding example of Jesus Ministry of Teaching. Now we see Healing  which was a Very Important part of His Ministry. These demonstrations of the Power of God went hand in hand with His Proclamation off the Kingdom and Confirmed who was.

Matthews accounts of some ten healings were from the early days of His Earthly Ministry.
Matthew wants to tell us that once the disciples came to understand that Jesus was the Messiah, the Lord Focused his attention on the necessity and meaning  of His suffering and Death
Leon Morris  The Gospel According to Matthew   William Eerdmans Publishing p.186
Dr. Leon Morris
Leon Lamb Morris (15 March 1914 — 24 July 2006) was an Australian New Testament scholar.
Born in Lithgow, New South Wales, Morris was ordained to the Anglican ministry in 1938. He received his Ph.D. at the University of Cambridge in England on the subject which became his first major book, The Apostolic Preaching of the Cross. He served as Warden of Tyndale House, Cambridge (1960-64); Principal of Ridley College in Melbourne (1964-1979), Australia (where they have named a library in his honour); and Visiting Professor of New Testament at Trinity Evangelical Divinity School.

The Three Healings 8: 1 - 17

So this whole section starts with the healings of Three Unlikely Candidates from a Jewish standpoint. :
A leper who was unclean, a Gentile, the centurion's servant, and a woman
  1. The Cleaning of the Leper 8 :1 - 4

Mat 8:1  Upon descending from the hill country He was followed by immense crowds.
Mat 8:2  And [look], a leper came to Him, and throwing himself at His feet, said, "Sir, if only you are willing you are able to cleanse me."
Mat 8:3  So Jesus put out His hand and touched him, and said, "I am willing: be cleansed." Instantly he was cleansed from his leprosy;
Mat 8:4  and Jesus said to him, "Be careful to tell no one, but go and show yourself to the priest, and offer the gift which Moses appointed as evidence for them."

See also Mark 1: 40 - 45; and Luke 5: 12  16

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