Tuesday 19 May 2015

Matthew 7:21 - 23 The True Way into the Kingdom of God.

Luke 6:46  "Why do you call me, 'Lord, Lord,' and yet don't do what I tell you?”
Matthew Henry says “It is not enough to hear the sayings of Christ, but we must do them; not enough to profess relation to him, as his servants, but we must make conscience of obeying him.

Mat 7:21  "Not everyone who calls me 'Lord, Lord' will enter the Kingdom of heaven, but only those who do what my Father in heaven wants them to do.
Mat 7:22  When the Judgment Day comes, many will say to me, 'Lord, Lord! In your name we spoke God's message, by your name we drove out many demons and performed many miracles!'
Mat 7:23  Then I will say to them, 'I never knew you. Get away from me, you wicked people!'

Mat 7:21  "Not everyone who calls me 'Lord, Lord' will enter the Kingdom of heaven, but only those who do what my Father in heaven wants them to do.
1. It is an affront to him to call him Lord, Lord, as if we were wholly at His command, and had devoted ourselves to His service, if we do not make conscience of conforming to his will and serving the interests of his kingdom. We do but mock Christ, as they that in scorn said, Hail, King of the Jews, if we call him ever so often Lord, Lord, and yet walk in the way of our own hearts and in the sight of our own eyes. Why do we call him Lord, Lord, in prayer , if we do not obey his commands? He that turns away his ear from hearing the law, his prayer shall be an abomination.
2. We are cheating ourselves if we think that a bare profession of religion will save us, that hearing the sayings of Christ will bring us to heaven, without doing them. This he illustrates by a similitude (Luk_6:47-49),” M.H.
Mat 7:22  When the Judgment Day comes, many will say to me, 'Lord, Lord! In your name we spoke God's message, by your name we drove out many demons and performed many miracles!'
When the Judgment Day comes, many will say to me, 'Lord, Lord!
The Final Judgment, Eaton’s Bible Dictionary
The sentence that will be passed on our actions at the last day (Matt. 25; Rom_14:10, Rom_14:11; 2Co_5:10;
2Co 5:10  For all of us must appear before Christ, to be judged by him. We will each receive what we deserve, according to everything we have done, good or bad, in our bodily life.
2Th 1:7  and He will give relief to you who suffer and to us as well. He will do this when the Lord Jesus appears from heaven with his mighty angels,
2Th 1:8  with a flaming fire, to punish those who reject God and who do not obey the Good News about our Lord Jesus.
2Th 1:9  They will suffer the punishment of eternal destruction, separated from the presence of the Lord and from his glorious might,
2Th 1:10  when he comes on that Day to receive glory from all his people and honor from all who believe. You too will be among them, because you have believed the message that we told you.
2Th 1:11  That is why we always pray for you. We ask our God to make you worthy of the life he has called you to live. May he fulfill by his power all your desire for goodness and complete your work of faith.

The judge is Jesus Christ, as mediator. All judgment is committed to him (Act_17:31; Joh_5:22, Joh_5:27; Rev_1:7). “It pertains to him as mediator to complete and publicly manifest the salvation of his people and the overthrow of his enemies, together with the glorious righteousness of his work in both respects.”
The persons to be judged are,
(1.) the whole race of Adam without a single exception (Matt. 25:31-46; 1Co_15:51, 1Co_15:52; Rev_20:11-15); and
(2.) the fallen angels (2Pe_2:4; Jud_1:6).
The rule of judgment is the standard of God's law as revealed to men, the heathen by the law as written on their hearts (Luk_12:47, Luk_12:48; Rom_2:12-16); the Jew who “sinned in the law shall be judged by the law” (Rom_2:12); the Christian enjoying the light of revelation, by the will of God as made known to him (Mat_11:20-24; Joh_3:19). Then the secrets of all hearts will be brought to light (1Co_4:5; Luk_8:17; Luk_12:2, Luk_12:3) to vindicate the justice of the sentence pronounced.
The time of the judgment will be after the resurrection (Heb_9:27; Act_17:31).
As the Scriptures represent the final judgment “as certain [Ecc_11:9], universal [2Co_5:10], righteous [Rom_2:5], decisive [1Co_15:52], and eternal as to its consequences [Heb_6:2], let us be concerned for the welfare of our immortal interests, flee to the refuge set before us, improve our precious time, depend on the merits of the Redeemer, and adhere to the dictates of the divine word, that we may be found of him in peace.”

What excuses do you have for not Obeying the Gospel of Christ?

v.21a When the Judgment Day comes, many will say to me, 'Lord, Lord! In your name we spoke God's message; or we prophesied in Your Name

Lord, Lord; not "my Lord, my Lord", as the Syriac version reads it; for they will not be able to claim any interest in him, though they will be obliged to own his dominion, power, and authority over them. The word is repeated to show their importunity, sense of danger, the confusion they will be in, the wretched disappointment they will have; and therefore speak as persons amazed and confounded, having expected they would have been the first persons that should be admitted into heaven. Their pleas follow;

(1.) have we not prophesied in thy name? This may be understood either of foretelling things to come; which gift wicked men may have, who have never had any experience of the grace of God, as Balaam, and Caiaphas, and others; or rather of preaching the word, which is sometimes called prophesying,
by your name we drove out many demons and performed many miracles!'
(2.) That in thy name we have cast out devils? That may be too; Judas cast out devils, and yet was a son of perdition. Origen says, that in his time so prevalent was the name of Christ to cast out devils, that sometimes it availed when named by wicked Christians. A man might cast devils out of others, and yet have a devil, nay, be a devil himself.
(3.) That in thy name we have done many wonderful works. There may be a faith of miracles, where there is no justifying faith; none of that faith which works by love and obedience. Gifts of healings would recommend men to the world, but it is real holiness or sanctification that is accepted of God.

Mat 7:23  Then I will say to them, 'I never knew you. Get away from me, you wicked people!'
Why were the Rejected in the Judgment? They thought that these things would recommend them in the judgment. But Jesus says “ Get away from Me, You Workers of Iniquity - You wicked People.

I never knew you - That is, I never approved of your conduct; never loved you; never regarded you as my friends. See Psa_1:6; 2Ti_2:19; 1Co_8:3. This proves that, with all their pretensions, they had never been true followers of Christ. Jesus will not then say to false prophets and false professors of religion that he had once known them and then rejected them; that they had been once Christians and then had fallen away; that they had been pardoned and then had apostatized but that he had never known them - they had never been true christians. Whatever might have been their pretended joys, their raptures, their hopes, their self-confidence, their visions, their zeal, they had never been regarded by the Saviour as his true friends. I do not know of a more decided proof that Christians do not fall from grace than this text. It settles the question; and proves that whatever else such people had, they never had any true religion.Barnes Notes  See 1Jo_2:18-19.

1Jn 2:18  My children, the end is near! You were told that the Enemy of Christ would come; and now many enemies of Christ have already appeared, and so we know that the end is near.
1Jn 2:19  These people really did not belong to our fellowship, and that is why they left us; if they had belonged to our fellowship, they would have stayed with us. But they left so that it might be clear that none of them really belonged to us.

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