Monday 18 May 2015

Matthew 7:15-20 Watch out There are False Teachers.

If an Unsuspecting and Trusting Aussie Woman can be swindled out of AUD250,000-00 by a deceiver then watch out for there are FALSE TEACHERS out there ready to twist the Scriptures to their own gain.
Mat 7:15  "Beware of the false teachers--men who come to you in sheep's fleeces, but beneath that disguise they are ravenous wolves.
Mat 7:16  By their fruits you will easily recognize them. Are grapes gathered from thorns or figs from brambles?
Mat 7:17  Just so every good tree produces good fruit, but a poisonous tree produces bad fruit.
Mat 7:18  A good tree cannot bear bad fruit, nor a poisonous tree good fruit.
Mat 7:19  Every tree which does not yield good fruit is cut down and thrown aside for burning.
Mat 7:20  So by their fruits at any rate, you will easily recognize them.

Mat 7:15  "Beware of the false teachers--men who come to you in sheep's fleeces, but beneath that disguise they are ravenous wolves.

"Beware of the false teachers”- False Prophet G5578 ψευδοπροφήτης pseudoprophētēs Thayer Definition: 1) one who, acting the part of a divinely inspired prophet, utters falsehoods under the name of divine prophecies 2) a false prophet
The word prophet originally means one who foretells future events. As prophets, however, were commonly regarded as public instructors on the subject of religion, the word came to denote all who were religious teachers. A false prophet is a teacher of incorrect doctrine, or one falsely and unjustly laying claims to divine inspiration. It probably had reference to the false teachers then among the Jews.

Young Mormon 'Elder'
The doctrines of The Church of Jesus Christ of Latter-day Saints (Mormons) are very interesting. Most of the 'odd' ones are not initially taught to potential converts, but they should be. Instead, "they are revealed later as one matures and gains the ability to accept them." The LDS Church tries to make its official doctrines appear Christian, but what underlies those Christian-sounding terms is far from Christian in meaning.
Following are the teachings of its officials throughout the years. Please note that these teachings are documented from Mormon writers--not anti-Mormon writers.What does Mormonism Teach by Matt Slick please read more.

Who come to you in sheep’s fleeces or sheep’s clothing.
They appear to be sheep but really they are not. They are out to devour you or have you. Don’t think that all the door-knockers who visit you are genuine.

Illustration :Yesterday I asked two young mormon elders how such young lads could be ‘elders’?
They answered that it merely means travelling religious teachers. Elder in the Scriptures is more than travelling religious teacher. Greek “Presbuteros”emphasizes the maturity and authority that the leadership has to teach and rule the church.
You will never learn Mormon doctrine from their Articles of Faith. Those are written to hide their teachings from "gentile" readers. You must look into their secret temple ceremonies and the writings of their prophets. Here are some of the surprising results.
Mormon scripture consists of four books. They are: (1) The Book of Mormon (2) Doctrine and Covenants (3) Pearl of Great Price and (4) The Bible (in that order). The first three books seriously contradict the Bible. Mormons often ignore the Bible, claiming it is "mis-translated."

Mat 7:16  By their fruits you will easily recognize them. Are grapes gathered from thorns or figs from brambles? WNT
Mat 7:16  You will know them by what they do. Thorn bushes do not bear grapes, and briers do not bear figs.GNB
By their fruits you will easily recognize them.
The Saviour gives the proper test of their character. People do not judge of a tree by its leaves, or bark, or flowers, but by the fruit which it bears. The flowers may be beautiful and fragrant, the foliage thick and green; but these are merely ornamental. It is the “fruit” that is of chief service to man; and he forms his opinion of the nature and value of the tree by that fruit. So of pretensions to religion. The profession may be fair; but the “conduct” - the fruit - is to determine the nature of the principles.Barnes

Mat 7:17  Just so every good tree produces good fruit, but a poisonous tree produces bad fruit.
Once when I was a Young 8 year old i was visiting our friends farm near Maleny in S. Queensland. Well the boys at the farm who were my age decided to chop down a Gympie Gympie tree. I did not not what this tree was like and stood there. Next thong down it came right on top of this unsuspecting city boy.
Well the Gympie Gympie has long poisonous hairs that if they touch you sting like crazy.

Being Stung by the Gympie Gympie Tree Is the Worst Kind of Pain You Can Imagine

By Sumitra on January 23rd, 2015 Category: News
‘Gympie-Gympie’ is hardly the name you’d expect for a stinging-tree. It looks quite harmless too, but in reality, the Gympie-Gympie is one of the most venomous plants in the world. Commonly found in the rainforest areas of north-eastern Australia, the Moluccas and Indonesia, it is known to grow up to one to two meters in height.
In fact, the Gympie-Gympie sting is so dangerous that it has been known to kill dogs, horses and humans alike. If you’re lucky enough to survive, you  only feel excruciating pain that can last several months and reoccur for years. Even a dry specimen can inflict pain, almost a hundred years after being picked!
Well they rolled me in the Cow Trough probably the worst thing to do for the sting.

One of the world’s most venomous plants, the Gympie-Gympie stinging tree can cause months of excruciating pain for unsuspecting humans.

The meaning is don’t be caught by these false teachers for it will sting and hurt more than you can imagine.

Mat 7:18  A good tree cannot bear bad fruit, nor a poisonous tree good fruit.
Mat 7:19  Every tree which does not yield good fruit is cut down and thrown aside for burning.
Jesus withered the fig tree that did not produce the fruit.
Mat 7:20  So by their fruits at any rate, you will easily recognize them.
Don’t you love a fully ripe Mango straight from the tree. This is how the fruit of the Lives and teaching of a True Teacher or prophet will effect you.

A beautiful ripe MANGO
So beware of False Teachers. They will bite and hurt you. But a True teacher will be known by their fruit.

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