Mat 19:13 Then young children were brought to Him for Him to put His hands on them and pray; but the disciples interfered.
Mat 19:14 Jesus however said, "Let the little children come to me, and do not hinder them; for it is to those who are childlike that the Kingdom of the Heavens belongs."
Mat 19:15 So He laid His hands upon them and went away.
Jesus Loved little children and Jesus used them as the model in Metthew 18: 2 -6 11. Though other religious leaders may be warriors and philosophers Jesus Christ, was often in the middle of children. He spoke of them in His teaching and used them as His examples.
Mat 19:13 Then young children were brought to Him for Him to put His hands on them and pray; but the disciples interfered.
Then young children were brought to Him for Him to put His hands on them and pray ; WNT.
Then some people brought little children to Jesus to have him bless them and pray for them. GW
These were little children. G3813 παιδίον paidion Thayer Definition:
1) a young child, a little boy, a little girl
1a) infants 1b) children, little ones c) an infant
for Him to put His hands on them and pray ; These parents were concerned for the spiritual welfare of their little ones and brought them to Jesus. This is the reason that many today dedicate their children to the Lord. to dedicate meaning 1. To set apart and consecrate to a divine Being, or to a sacred purpose; to devote to a sacred use, by a solemn act, or by religious ceremonies; as, to dedicate vessels, treasures, a temple, an altar, or a church, to God or to a religious use.
2. To appropriate solemnly to any person or purpose; to give wholly or chiefly to. The ministers of the gospel dedicate themselves, their time and their studies, to the service of Christ. A soldier dedicates himself to the profession of arms.
Thus we have Dedication of Infants not Infant Baptism in Evangelical churches.
but the disciples interfered. WNT And the disciples rebuked or reproached them. MKJV
How outrageous that the disciples could act in such an inappropriate manner when they had seen how jesus loved the Little Children.
Mat 19:14 Jesus however said, "Let the little children come to me, and do not hinder them; for it is to those who are childlike that the Kingdom of the Heavens belongs." 
"Let the little children come to me, and do not hinder them;
Here is Jesus reaction to Little Children compared to the Disciples. He instructed the Disciples to allow the children to come to Him. Mark says that Jesus was indignant with them the disciples.
Don't hinder them or forbid them. The attitude of the Disciples was wrong.
for it is to those who are childlike that the Kingdom of the Heavens belongs." WNT
for of such is the kingdom of Heaven. Those who have the loving simplicity, humility, and trust of children. See Mat_18:1-14. These words show, (1) that children are not, as some have taught, totally depraved; (2) that the earlier they come to Christ the better; (3) that they should not be hindered from coming by injudicious teaching; (4) that parents should bring them to the Savior. PNT
Mat 19:15 So He laid His hands upon them and went away. The Laying on of Hands is the symbol of blessing a little child. 
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