Sunday 26 July 2015

PLEASE READ - The Book that made Your World

How the Bible Created the Soul of Western Civilisation.
By  Vishal Mangalwadi
Dr. Vishal Mangalwadi is an international lecturer, social reformer, political columnist, and author of thirteen books. Born and raised in India, he studied philosophy at universities, in Hindu ashrams, and at L’Abri Fellowship in Switzerland. In 1976 he turned down several job offers in the West to return to India where he and his wife, Ruth, founded a community to serve the rural poor. Vishal continued his involvement in community development serving at the headquarters of two national political parties, where he worked for the empowerment and liberation of peasants and the lower castes.

His first book, The World of Gurus, was published in 1977 and serialized in India’s then-largest weekly, Sunday. It was Mangalwadi’s books, In Search of Self and India: The Grand Experiment,that first brought his works to the attention of the American public. In demand worldwide, Vishal is a dynamic, engaging speaker who has lectured in 32 countries. He enjoys simplifying complex ideas and inspiring despairing hearts with hope.
Vishal and Ruth are currently in the United States exploring The Soul of Western Civilization - the Bible. This study was inspired by Vishal and Ruth's recognition of India's need for the reforming power of the Bible. 

To commemorate the 400th anniversary of the King James Bible, Thomas Nelson have published Vishal's latest book, The Book that made your world, in which an Asian explains to westerners the role the Bible has played in shaping western civilisation. 

Vishal will address a plenary session on Questing for Europe's soul. He will also be a resource person for several consultations including church leaders and educators.  

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