Wednesday 15 April 2015

Matthew 6:25 - 34 Jesus says “ Do Not worry!”

Mat 6:25  For this reason I charge you not to be over-anxious about your lives, inquiring what you are to eat or what you are to drink, nor yet about your bodies, inquiring what clothes you are to put on. Is not the life more precious than its food, and the body than its clothing?
Mat 6:26  Look at the birds which fly in the air: they do not sow or reap or store up in barns, but your Heavenly Father feeds them: are not you of much greater value than they?
Mat 6:27  Which of you by being over-anxious can add a single foot to his height?
Mat 6:28  And why be anxious about clothing? Learn a lesson from the wild lilies. Watch their growth. They neither toil nor spin,
Mat 6:29  and yet I tell you that not even Solomon in all his magnificence could array himself like one of these.
Mat 6:30  And if God so clothes the wild herbage which to-day flourishes and to-morrow is thrown into the oven, is it not much more certain that He will clothe you, you men of little faith?
Mat 6:31  Do not be over-anxious, therefore, asking 'What shall we eat?' or 'What shall we drink?' or 'What shall we wear?'
Mat 6:32  For all these are questions that Gentiles are always asking; but your Heavenly Father knows that you need these things--all of them.
Mat 6:33  But make His Kingdom and righteousness your chief aim, and then these things shall all be given you in addition.
Mat 6:34  Do not be over-anxious, therefore, about to-morrow, for to-morrow will bring its own cares. Enough for each day are its own troubles.

From how to deal with anxiety
To a degree, everyone experiences anxiety. There’s pre-test anxiety, job interview anxiety, anxiety over household repairs or a family illness — all the “typical” things people are bound to get anxious about.
But for anyone who has experienced the intense anxiety of a panic attack, or ongoing general anxiety (GAD), it’s obvious how different these are from the typical “worry.” In fact, the two don’t even seem to be on the same planet, much less the same page.

Jesus says “ Do Not worry!”

Mat 6:25  For this reason I charge you not to be over-anxious about your lives, inquiring what you are to eat or what you are to drink, nor yet about your bodies, inquiring what clothes you are to put on. Is not the life more precious than its food, and the body than its clothing?


Don’t Worry about future Food shortages

inquiring what you are to eat or what you are to drink,WNT
Take no thought for your life, about food or drink,GW
Notes :
When such a big percentage of the World’s Population does not know here the next meal is coming from, Why did Jesus says these words? He He saying that the Lord who feeds the sparrows can look after us. It is the Worrying over this that HE IS AGAINST.
food shortage

The telling you that you need to start storing food supplies not with fancy programs to preserve food etc.
There is no Faith in the God who Providentially supplies.

1. The Christian should live in quiet confidence in God.
2. This quiet dependence upon God is our happiness, usefulness, strength, security.
3. If this were wrought in our hearts as a principle, how energetic we should be in the exercise of faith in God.
4. The secret of getting through work is to take the work of the day and leave all that does not belong to it.
5. Although a man leaves all to God, and is happy in Christ, he is not therefore exempt from evil. (J. W. Reeve.)B.I.

Dont Worry about what clothes you are to put on.

“v. 25 “nor yet about your bodies, inquiring what clothes you are to put on. Is not the life more precious than its food, and the body than its clothing?
WE can be so absorbed with our image and designer clothes not realising that life is more than being consumed with good looks and good food. This whole image thing is about SELF and Self - centeredness.
Don’t worry about your life (tēi psuchēi). “Here psuchēi stands for the life principle common to man and beast, which is embodied in the sōma: the former needs food, the latter clothing” (McNeile). Psuchē in the Synoptic Gospels occurs in three senses (McNeile): either the life principle in the body as here and which man may kill (Mar_3:4) or the seat of the thoughts and emotions on a par with kardia and dianoia (Mat_22:37) and pneuma (Luk_1:46; cf. Joh_12:27; Joh_13:21) or something higher that makes up the real self (Mat_10:28; Mat_16:26). In Mat_16:25 (Luk_9:25) psuchē appears in two senses paradoxical use, saving life and losing it.RWP

Reasons for not Worrying about food and clothing

Mat 6:26  Look at the birds which fly in the air: they do not sow or reap or store up in barns, but your Heavenly Father feeds them: are not you of much greater value than they?

Notes :
Look at the Birds…. your Heavenly Father feeds them: are not you of much greater value than they?

         Birds flock with scale invariance

Rome is famous for its huge flocks of starlings that swerve through the evening sky as if directed by a collective intelligence. While these spectacular displays have fascinated Romans since ancient times, they have yet to be described effectively by a mathematical model.
Now physicists in Italy have analysed 3D photographs of the Eternal City's famous flocks using techniques borrowed from statistical mechanics. They found that a change in direction of one bird can affect the behaviour of all its companions – regardless of the size of the flock. This, argue the physicists, ensures a maximal response to environmental perturbations such as attacks by predators.

Mat 6:27  Which of you by being over-anxious can add a single foot to his height?
Anxiety can never alter who you are.
So don’t waste your time worrying about your looks. God will take care of you just like he does the birds.

Why be anxious about clothing?

Mat 6:28  And why be anxious about clothing? Learn a lesson from the wild lilies. Watch their growth. They neither toil nor spin,

Mat 6:29  and yet I tell you that not even Solomon in all his magnificence could array himself like one of these
Mat 6:30  And if God so clothes the wild herbage which to-day flourishes and tomorrow is thrown into the oven, is it not much more certain that He will clothe you, you men of little faith?

1 comment:

  1. Calming words from our Savior when others would inflict on us their worries!
