Sunday 11 January 2015


Matthhew 1:1  The Genealogy of Jesus Christ, the son of David, the son of Abraham.

  1. Matthew  Maththaı́os, is a Greek reproduction of the Aramaic Mattathyāh, i.e. “gift of Yahweh,” and equivalent to Theodore from
Meaning (given or a reward) Gift of God, a common Jewish name after the Exile. He was the son of Alphaeus, and was a publican or tax-gatherer at Capernaum.
The Publican. He had sold himself to the Roman Colonists to collect tax on their behalf. Because of their fraudulent practices such as upping the amount of tax and then filling their own pockets, these publicans or tax-collectors were hated by the Jews

On one occasion Jesus, coming up from the side of the lake, passed the custom-house where Matthew was seated, and said to him, “Follow me.” Matthew arose and followed him, and became his disciple (Mat_9:9). Formerly the name by which he was known was Levi (Mar_2:14; Luk_5:27); he now changed it, possibly in grateful memory of his call, to Matthew.

Levi, Follow Me!
The same day on which Jesus called him he made a “great feast” (Luk_5:29), a farewell feast, to which he invited Jesus and his disciples, and probably also many of old associates.

He was afterwards selected as one of the twelve (Luk_6:15). His name does not occur again in the Gospel history except in the lists of the apostles. The last notice of him is in Act_1:13. The time and manner of his death are unknown.

   2. Mat 1:1  The Genealogy of Jesus Christ, the son of David, the son of Abraham.
The book of the generation of Jesus Christ, The Scroll or the record of the Ancestry of Jesus Christ.
Matthew was writing to the Jews to show them that This Jesus is the Messiah promised in the Old Testament.

[The Old Testament begins with the book of the generation [or Origin] of the world, and it is its glory that it does so; but the glory of the New Testament herein excelleth, that it begins with the book of the generation of him that made the world. As God, his outgoings were of old, from everlasting (Mic_5:2), and none can declare that generation; but, as man, he was sent forth in the fulness of time, born of a woman, and it is that generation which is here declared.] Matthew Henry


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