Monday 26 January 2015

Four Famous Women in the Genealogy of Jesus Christ.

5. Four Famous Women in the Genealogy of Jesus Christ.

  1. The Immeasurable and Almighty Power of God Unleashed through the Good News of Jesus Christ to save the Vilest of sinners.
  2. God’s sovereign Choice is by Grace through Faith and can never be by Merit otherwise Judah would not have been chosen nor you and I either. You simply cannot earn your way to heaven no matter how hard you try.REMEMBER No one is good enough
  3. God hates Mixture.

Read Mat 1:3  Judah was the father (by Tamar) of Perez and Zerah;  
Mat 1:5  Salmon (by Rahab) of Boaz; Boaz (by Ruth) of Obed; Obed of Jesse;
Mat 1:6  Jesse of David--the King. David (by Uriah's widow) was the father of Solomon;
  1. What Four Women were included in the genealogy of Jesus?
  1. Tamar- incestuous Canaanite  
  2. Rahab- the Canaanite Prostitute from Jericho
  3. Ruth- the Moabitess from a cursed Incestuous race.   
  4. (the wife of Uriah the Hittite) [Bathsheba] an adulteress

  1. Three of them were Gentiles or Non-Jews :Tamar,a Canaanitess, Rahab a Canaanitess, and Ruth, a Moabitess.
  2. Three had a Blot or stain on their Character. Tamar, Rahab and Bathsheba.

Lessons from Tamar. Gen 38 :6-24 Tell the Story.

Why is chapter 38  of Genesis in the Bible? One of the ghastliest chapters in the whole Bible. It is a question of Mixture of God’s Chosen people with the Cursed Canaanites.

Tell of Judah's Marriage and Children : His Incest with Tamar - Genesis 38

  1. Genesis 38 gives an outline of the Life of Judah a son of Jacob.
  2. But Judah went down from his  brothers and went in to Hirah the Adullamite. There he met the Daughter of Shua and married her.
  3. They knew that they should not marry the daughters of the land. Mixture is bad
Eliezer got Rebekah, a wife for Isaac from Haran in Syria. Esau troubled his parents by marrying Canaanite wives and eventually an Ishmaelite. Jacob went to Rebekkah’s Brother Laban at Paddan Aram to get his wives Rachael and Leah.
see Nehemiah 13:25  So I reprimanded those Jews, cursed them, beat some of them, and pulled out their hair. I made them swear by God: "We won't allow our daughters to marry their sons, and we won't allow their daughters to marry us or our sons." Nehemiah 13:23-27

Don’t Marry a Canaanite woman. Mixture.

Judah Took a Canaanite woman , Bath-Shua.
Her first son, ER and second Son, Onan, were struck dead by God for wickedness.

Tamar  [ Jewess or Canaanite? The Bible doesnt say
  1. First husband Er and Second Husband Onan killed by God
  2. She is looking for Justice promised to Shelah but overlooked
  3. She is ready to take a terrible risk…..incest with her father in Law, Judah. What Manipulation?
  4. God gives her not one son but two.
  5. God is looking for Godly offspring (Unequal Yoke)

Comment WHY is Gen 38  in the Record? Right in the Middle of the History of Joseph sold as a slave into Egypt.
Interestingly, K&D Commentary says that this Narrative is “to show in what danger the sons of Jacob would have been in, by forgetting the sacred vocation of their race, through marriages with Canaanitish women, and of perishing in the sin of Canaan,
if the mercy of God had not interposed,[come in and interrupted] and by leading Joseph into Egypt prepared the way for the removal of the whole house of Jacob into that land, and thus protected the family of Israel , just as it was expanding into a nation, away from the corrupting influence of the manners and customs of Canaan.
This being the intention of the narrative, it is no petty episode or interpolation,something just written in there with no consequence] but an integral part of the early history of Israel, which is woven here into the history of Jacob, because the events occurred subsequently to the sale of Joseph into Egypt by his brothers. GOD HATES MIXTURE.

Back to story of Tamar

Gen_38:24  And it happened, about three months afterward, that it was told Judah, saying, Your daughter-in-law Tamar has played the harlot, and also, behold, she is with child by whoredom. And Judah said, Bring her forth, and let her be burned.
She produced his seal and cord and staff and said I am pregnant by the man who owns these. Judah said she is more righteous than I am.


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I. GOD’S WILl JUDGE THE SINS OF Immorality AND LUST.  Judah’s sons, Er and Onan were struck dead by the Lord for Wickedness - Evil and Immorality. They were so wicked that God removed them before they were able to give progeny. God will reward wickedness with justice.

1Co 6:9  Don't you know that wicked people won't inherit the kingdom of God? Stop deceiving yourselves! People who continue to commit sexual sins, who worship false gods, those who commit adultery, homosexuals,
1Co 6:10  or thieves, those who are greedy or get drunk, use abusive language, or who rob people will not inherit the kingdom of God

II. THIS HISTORY HAS AN IMPORTANT BEARING UPON GOD’S PURPOSE OF SALVATION. Considered in regard to God’s redeeming purpose, this history shows—

1. That God’s Chose us by grace (His favour); which cannot be merited. Otherwise Judah would not have been chosen as the ancestor of Christ. Jesus is even called the Lion of the tribe of Judah.
Perez and Zerah Twins born to Tamar

Eph 2:8-9 For by Grace are you saved through faith, and that not of yourselves it is a gift of God, not of works lest any man should boast.
It shows—
2. He derives all His glory from Himself, and not from His ancestry. It does not matter if you have had a bad ancestry. God rewards the heart of  Faith.
It shows—
3. The amazing Humiliation of Christ.  Condescension {voluntary descent from one's rank or dignity in relations with an inferior }Webster’s Dictionary
The greatest and most shameful sinners are found in His birth-register. (T. H. Leale.)
Jesus came and identified with Sinful Humanity.

Rom_8:3  For what the law could not do, in that it was weak through the flesh, God sending his own Son in the likeness of sinful flesh, and for sin, condemned sin in the flesh;
Jesus was sinless even though His ancestry was sinful. Who was His true Father.
He had a Human Body like our but without sin. He gave his sinless body as a sacrifice to condemn sin and set us free.

Application .
  • 2Co_6:14  Do not be unequally yoked together with unbelievers; for what fellowship does righteousness have with lawlessness? And what partnership does light have with darkness?
2Co 6:17  Therefore come out from among them and be separated, says the Lord, and do not touch the unclean thing. And I will receive you
2Co 6:18  and I will be a Father to you, and you shall be My sons and daughters, says the Lord Almighty.

The law said, you shall not plough with an ox together with an ass. Believers should be warned that mixed marriages are fraught with temptations, trouble and distresses because Marriage is a covenant before Almighty God.
God is against Mixture. God is looking for a Godly line Godly Offspring.
  • God is Against Adultery and fornication. But He will forgive and cleanse.
Illustration :I know An ex-barmaid  who had been expelled from the Australian navy for promiscuity, married a  seriousdrunk and after many fights and six separations she got saved and then he did. They have been Pastors for many years in the AOG. The Grace of God is amazing. Come to Jesus in Repentance and faith and He will forgive AND RESTORE. Wash you whiter than the snow and use you. AMEN

Rahab the harlot of Jericho

  B. Rahab the Harlot of Jericho.

Mat 1:5  And Salmon fathered Boaz by Rahab, and Boaz fathered Obed of Ruth, and Obed fathered Jesse,  -> David
Heb_11:31  By faith the harlot or [prostitute] Rahab did not perish with those who did not believe, when she had received the spies with peace.
Tell this story quickly………...
GW Joshua 2 Heb 11:31  Through faith the notorious sinner Rahab did not perish along with the disobedient, for she had welcomed the spies and had sheltered them.
Tell this story.Jos 2:9  And she said to the men, I know that Jehovah has given you the land, and that your terror has fallen on us, and that all those who live in the land faint because of you.
Jos 2:10  For we have heard how Jehovah dried up the water of the Red Sea for you when you came out of Egypt, and what you did to the two kings of the Amorites that were on the other side Jordan, Sihon and Og, whom you utterly destroyed.
Jos 2:11  And we had heard, and our hearts melted, nor did any more spirit remain in any man, because of you. For Jehovah your God, He is God in Heaven above and in earth beneath.
Jos 2:12  Now therefore, I pray you, swear to me by Jehovah, since I have dealt with you in kindness, that you will also deal with kindness to my father's house. And give me a true token, Scarlet cord in the window


  1. Like Rahab believe what you hear from the Word of God. The Lord our God is the LORD of Heaven and earth. He is going to judge this world. Believe on the Lord Jesus Christ and be saved from the Terrible Wrath coming upon the earth, You and your whole family..
  2. She hung the Scarlet cord from her window as a sign of Faith and Salvation.
  3. The notorious sinner: a prostitute, a Liar, was saved and lifted up to sit with princes and Kings. She became the Great Great Grandma of King David.
Rahab must remain an example under the Law similar to that Luk_7:37 under the Gospel, of “a woman that was a sinner,” yet, because of her faith, not only pardoned, but exalted to the highest honor. Rahab was admitted among the people of God; she intermarried into a chief family of a chief tribe, and found a place among the best remembered ancestors of King David and of Christ; thus receiving the temporal blessings of the covenant in largest measure.

Every person in this building is a sinner we all deserve destruction. The only difference is that some have repented [turned from their sin] and believed and so they are saved.
Saved from the Holy anger of God to be poured out. If you are unsaved this morning then turn and believe as Rahab did. Then you will see the Transformation God can do in your life

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c. Ruth the Moabitess. The Test of Devotion OR RESOLUTION. 

Compare Orpah and Ruth  The Book of Ruth in the OT READ it this week. FOUR Chapters

Elimelech and Naomi and two sons went down to Moab in a Time of famine
Rth 1:3  And Elimelech, Naomi's husband, died. And she was left, and her two sons.
Rth 1:4  And they took wives for themselves from the women of Moab. The name of the one was Orpah, and the name of the other Ruth. And they lived there about ten years.
Rth 1:5  And Mahlon and Chilion also died, both of them. And the woman was left without her two sons and her husband
Moab speaks of a cursed place of death. If you leave the place of God’s provision and His choice you will step outside His will.
Return to Bethlehem [the House of Bread - and life and blessing] RETURN - REST

Rth 1:14  And they lifted up their voice and wept again. And Orpah kissed her mother-in-law. But Ruth clung to her.
Rth 1:15  And she said, Behold, Your sister-in-law has gone back to her people and to her gods. Return after your sister-in-law Orpah
Rth 1:16  And Ruth said, Do not beg me to leave you, to return from following after you. For where you go, I will go. Where you stay, I will stay. Your people shall be my people, and your God my God.
Rth 1:17  Where you die, I will die, and there I will be buried. May Jehovah do so to me, and more also, if anything but death parts you and me.
Rth 1:18  When she saw that she was determined to go with her, then she quit speaking to her.
Rth 1:19  And both of them went until they came to Bethlehem. And it happened when they had come to Bethlehem, all the city was moved about them, and they said, Is this Naomi?

Applications :

  1. Orpah went back to her family and her idol worship but Ruth was different. She would not be separated from Naomi and her people and her God. The God of Israel. There is a Rising tide of Anti Semitism in the world. On the internet it is shocking what is being said mainly by Muslims but also by neo-Nazis and Atheists. You will be tested on what you believe about the God of Israel. What commitment Ruth showed!!!!!!!!
  2. They returned to the House of Bread and life and blessing from God. In Moab all the men related to her died. Naomi said don’t call me Naomi but Marrah =bitterness.  Turn from your past and your bitterness and come to the Place of Bread health and Blessing in Christ. God is calling for the wanderer to RETURN HOME.
  3. Ruth married kinsman Redeemer. [goel] The kinsman-redeemer is a male relative who, according to various laws of the Pentateuch, had the privilege or responsibility to act on behalf of a relative who was in trouble, danger, or need. The Hebrew term (go el) for kinsman-redeemer designates one who delivers or rescues (Genesis 48:16; Exodus 6:6) or redeems property or person (Leviticus 27:9–25, 25:47–55). The kinsman who redeems or vindicates a relative is illustrated most clearly in the book of Ruth, where the kinsman-redeemer is Boaz.

  1. She was from a Cursed people the children of Incest Lot and his daughters after the destruction of Sodom and Gomorrah, but God used her for His Glory because she believed. The Law refused her entrance into Israel but The Unmerited Kindness of God Brought her in.
Maybe you should be excluded too because of your past and family history but God is full of mercy and compassion
Slide 8.

D. The Wife of Uriah, Bathsheba 2 Samuel 11

Mat 1:6  and Jesse fathered David the king. And David the king fathered Solomon of her who had been wife of Uriah.
Another ugly matter. David sends Joab against the Ammonites, who besieges the city of Rabbah, 2Sa_11:1. He sees Bath-sheba, the wife of Uriah, bathing; is enamoured of her; sends for and takes her to his bed, 2Sa_11:2-4. She conceives, and informs David, 2Sa_11:5. David sends to Joab, and orders him to send to him Uriah, 2Sa_11:6. He arrives; and David having inquired the state of the army, dismisses him, desiring him to go to his own house, 2Sa_11:7, 2Sa_11:8. Uriah sleeps at the door of the king’s house, 2Sa_11:9.

The next day the king urges him to go to his house; but he refuses to go, and gives the most pious and loyal reasons for his refusal, 2Sa_11:10-11. David after two days sends him back to the army, with a letter to Joab, desiring him to place Uriah in the front of the battle, that he may be slain, 2Sa_11:12-15.

He does so; and Uriah falls, 2Sa_11:16, 2Sa_11:17. Joab communicates this news in an artful message to David, 2Sa_11:18-25. David sends for Bath-sheba and takes her to wife, and she bears him a son, 2Sa_11:26, 2Sa_11:27.The son dies

Bathsheba is a woman who longs for love. With her husband away fighting the king’s wars, she battles encroaching loneliness–making it frighteningly easy to succumb to the advances of King David. Don’t say it could not happen to you.

Will one night of unbridled passion destroy everything she holds dear? Can she find forgiveness at the feet of the Almighty? Or has her sin separated her from God—and David—forever?

“When lust hath conceived, it bringeth forth sin” (Jam_1:15). David sent for the woman, and lay with her. In the expression “he took her, and she came to him,” there is no intimation whatever that David brought Bathsheba into his palace through craft or violence, but rather that she came at his request without any hesitation, and offered no resistance to his desires. Consequently Bathsheba is not to be regarded as free from blame.

The consequences of David’s sin was a blot on what was an amazingly Godly character. David was a man after God’s own heart except in the affair of Uriah’s wife. It is not how you begin your life but how you end it. I know a famous preacher who when he was 70 had an affair and was put out of the ministry.

His own sons turned upon one another and killed each other.
There was constant turmoil and ruckuses in his family. What is the basis of every family feud? SIN

Come to the Saviour today and receive forgiveness and favour. It is by His unmerited favour and not because of any good deeds that you have done.

I. MAN’S WILFUL sinfulness IS NOT ALLOWED TO HINDER GOD’S PURPOSES. Marriage of Jews beyond the limits of the nation was strictly forbidden; and such marriages were a fruitful source of evil, as, is illustrated in the times of Balaam and of Nehemiah. We can clearly see man’s wilfulness throughout the Bible and worse than wilfulness in David’s marrying Bathsheba.
Such wilfulness we might expect would thwart the Divine purpose for the race; but instead, it was overruled. God’s thought cannot be frustrated                                                                                                                If man resists, he will simply be borne along on the current of God’s outworking purpose. The Pulpit Commentary

II. GOD LETS CHARACTER TRIUMPH OVER MERE RACE-DISABILITIES.. And so our Lord taught that the humbled, penitent, believing "publicans and harlots’ entered his kingdom rather than Abraham-born Jews, who had nothing to boast of but a pedigree.The Pulpit Commentary

Matthew 1 :18-25 The Birth of Jesus Christ

Mat 1:18  The circumstances of the birth of Jesus Christ were these. After his mother Mary was betrothed to Joseph, before they were united in marriage, she was found to be with child through the Holy Spirit. WNT
Footnote : orThe origin of Jesus the Messiah was like this

The Betrothal of Mary to Joseph.

Espoused (μνηστευθείσης: Rev., betrothed; Tynd., maryed)
The narrative implies a distinction between betrothal and marriage. From the moment of her betrothal a woman was treated as if actually married. The union could be dissolved only by regular divorce. Breach of faithfulness was regarded as adultery, and was punishable with death (Deu_22:23, Deu_22:24), and the woman's property became virtually that of her betrothed, unless he had expressly renounced it; but, even in that ease, he was her natural heir.VWS
before they were united in marriage,
So even though Mary was pledged in Marriage to Joseph they had had not been married yet nor had they consummated the marriage.
she was found to be with child through the Holy Spirit. WNT
she was discovered to be pregnant by the Holy Spirit. ISV
she found out that she was going to have a baby by the Holy Spirit.GNB
when as, (gar) , for his mother Mary was found with child,
not of man, no, not of Joseph her husband; Christ had no real father as man, Joseph was only, as was supposed, his father; but
of the Holy Ghost, Holy Ghost
according to ( Luke 1:35 ) . "The Holy Ghost shall come upon thee" and this was done that the human nature of Christ might be clear of original pollution; that so being the immediate produce of the Holy Ghost and without sin, it might be fit for union with the Son of God, and for the office of Mediator he had undertook. When Mary is said to be
found with child,
the meaning is, it appeared by evident signs, it was observed by Joseph particularly, who might know not only that she was with child, but with child of the Holy Ghost; by conversation with her, who might relate to him what passed between the Angel and her, ( Luke 1:28 Luke 1:36 ) though it looks as if as yet he did not know this, or at least was not fully satisfied about it; since he had a mind to have put her away, before he was assured of the truth of it, by the appearance of an angel to him.John Gill.
Mat 1:19  Joseph was a man who always did what was right, but he did not want to disgrace Mary publicly; so he made plans to break the engagement privately.

Joseph was a man who always did what was right,GNB  He was righteous,
But Joseph, her husband to be, being just...MKJV
A Righteous Man (dikaios). Or just, not benignant or merciful. The same adjective is used of Zacharias and Elizabeth (Luk_1:6) and Simeon (Luk_2:25). “An upright man,” the Braid Scots has it. He had the Jewish conscientiousness for the observance of the law which would have been death by stoning (Deu_22:23). Though Joseph was upright, he would not do that. “As a good Jew he would have shown his zeal if he had branded her with public disgrace” (McNeile)  RWP
but he did not want to disgrace Mary publicly;
and not willing to make her a public example,
To make her a public example - Παραδειγματισαι, to expose her to public infamy; from παρα, near, and δεικνυμαι, I show, or expose; what is oddly, though emphatically, called in England, showing up - exposing a character to public view. Though Joseph was a righteous man, δικαιος, and knew that the law required that such persons as he supposed his wife to be should be put to death, yet, as righteousness is ever directed by mercy, he determined to put her away or divorce her privately, i.e. without assigning any cause, that her life might be saved; and, as the offense was against himself, he had a right to pass it by if he chose. Some have supposed that the term δικαιος should be translated merciful, and it certainly often has this signification; but here it is not necessary.A.Clark
to expose her (see Deu_22:23, Deu_22:24)

So he decided to break the marriage agreement with her secretly. GW
he purposed to put her away secretly. MKJV
he had in mind to divorce her quietly NIV
The law of Moses gave the husband the power of divorce, Deu_24:1. It was customary in a bill of divorce to specify the causes for which the divorce was made, and witnesses were also present to testify to the divorce. But in this case, it seems, Joseph resolved to put her away without specifying the cause; for he was not willing to make her a public example. This is the meaning here of “privily.” Both to Joseph and Mary this must have been a great trial. Joseph was ardently attached to her, but her character was likely to be ruined, and he deemed it proper to separate her from him. Mary was innocent, but Joseph was not yet satisfied of her innocence. We may learn from this to put our trust in God. He will defend the innocent. Mary was in danger of being exposed to shame. Had she been connected with a cruel, passionate, and violent man, she would have died in disgrace. Barnes Notes

Mat 1:20  But while he was contemplating this step, an angel of the Lord appeared to him in a dream and said, "Joseph, son of David, do not be afraid to bring home your wife Mary, for she is with child through the Holy Spirit. WNT

But while he was contemplating this step
He thought on these things - He did not act hastily. He did not take the course which the law would have permitted him to do, if he had been hasty, violent, or unjust. It was a case deeply affecting his happiness, his character, and the reputation and character of his chosen companion. God will guide the thoughtful and the anxious. And when we have looked patiently at a perplexed subject, and know not what to do, then God, as in the case of Joseph, will interpose to lead us and direct our way. Psa_25:9.
Psa 25:9  He leads humble people to do what is right, and he teaches them his way.
Psa 25:10  Every path of the LORD is one of mercy and truth for those who cling to his promise and written instructions. GW

an angel of the Lord appeared to him in a dream and said, "Joseph,.....
Guided by the Lord through a Dream..”The word “angel” literally means a messenger. It is applied chiefly in the Scriptures to those invisible holy beings who have not fallen into sin: who live in heaven (1Ti_5:21; compare Jud_1:6); and who are sent forth to minister to those who shall be heirs of salvation.Barnes
Heb 1:13  To which of the angels has He ever said, "SIT AT MY RIGHT HAND TILL I MAKE THY FOES A FOOTSTOOL FOR THY FEET"?
Heb 1:14  Are not all angels spirits that serve Him--whom He sends out to render service for the benefit of those who, before long, will inherit salvation?
The angels are employed to render “aid” or “assistance” to others - to wit, to Christians. “Sent forth.” Appointed by God for this. They are “sent;” are under his control; are in a subordinate capacity.
Thus, Gabriel was sent forth to convey an important message to Daniel; Dan_9:21-23. “To minister.” For the help or succour of such. They come to render them assistance - and, if employed in this humble office, how much inferior to the dignity of the Son of God - the Creator and Ruler of the worlds! “Who shall be heirs of salvation.” To the saints; to Christians. They are called “heirs of salvation” because they are adopted into the family of God, and are treated as his sons; see notes on Rom_8:14-17. Barnes

Mat 1:21  She will give birth to a Son, and you are to call His name JESUS for He it is who will save His People from their sins." WNT

“you are to call His name JESUS for He it is who will save His People from their sins.”
His name Jesus - The name Jesus is the same as Saviour. It is derived from the verb signifying to save, In Hebrew it is the same as Joshua. In two places in the New Testament it is used where it means Joshua, the leader of the Jews into Canaan, and in our translation the name Joshua should have been retained, Act_7:45; Heb_4:8. It was a very common name among the Jews.
Ἰησοῦς Iēsous [ee-ay-sooce']
Of Hebrew origin [H3091]; Jesus (that is, Jehoshua), the name of our Lord and two (three) other Israelites: - Jesus.
H3091 יהושׁע    יהושׁוּע yehôshûa‛  yehôshûa‛ [yeh-ho-shoo'-ah, yeh-ho-shoo'-ah]
From H3068 and H3467; Jehovah-saved; Jehoshua (that is, Joshua), the Jewish leader: - Jehoshua, Jehoshuah, Joshua. Compare H1954, H3442.

for He it is who will save His People from their sins." WNT
will save
G4982 σώζω sōzō  sode'-zo
From a primary word σῶς sōs̄ (contraction for the obsolete σάος saos, “safe”); to save, that is, deliver or protect (literally or figuratively): - heal, preserve, save (self), do well, be (make) whole.
from their sins G266 ἁμαρτία hamartia Thayer Definition: 1) equivalent to 264 1a) to be without a share in 1b) to miss the mark
1c) to err, be mistaken 1d) to miss or wander from the path of uprightness and honour,to do or go wrong 1e) to wander from the law of God, violate God’s law, sin.
2) that which is done wrong, sin, an offence, a violation of the divine law in thought or in act
3) collectively, the complex or aggregate of sins committed either by a single person or by many
Part of Speech: noun feminine

From their sins - Barnes This was the great business of Jesus in coming and dying. It was not to save people in their sins, but from their sins. Sinners could not be happy in heaven. It would be a place of wretchedness to the guilty. The design of Jesus was, therefore, to save them from sin; and from this we may learn:
1. That Jesus had a design in coming into the world. He came to save his people; and that design will surely be accomplished. It is impossible that in any part of it he should fail.
2. We have no evidence that we are his people unless we are saved from the power and dominion of sin. A mere profession of being His people will not answer. Unless we give up our sins; unless we renounce the pride, pomp, and pleasure of the world, we have no evidence that we are the children of God. It is impossible that we should be Christians if we indulge in sin and live in the practice of any known iniquity. See 1Jo_3:7-8.
3. That all professing Christians should feel that there is no salvation unless it is from sin, and that they can never be admitted to a holy heaven hereafter unless they are made pure, by the blood of Jesus, here.

Mat 1:22  All this took place in fulfilment of what the Lord had spoken through the Prophet,
The Fulfilment of The Word of the Lord
G4137 πληρόω plēroō to make full or complete
2c) to carry into effect, bring to realisation, realise 2c1) of matters of duty: to perform, execute
2c2) of sayings, promises, prophecies, to bring to pass, ratify, accomplish
2c3) to fulfil, i.e. to cause God’s will (as made known in the law) to be obeyed as it should be, and God’s promises (given through the prophets) to receive fulfilment
Part of Speech: verb


Mat 1:23  "Behold, the virgin shall conceive and bear a son, and they shall call his name Immanuel" (which means, God with us)ESVSee Isaiah 9:6
Behold, a virgin shall be with child - Matthew clearly understands this as applying literally to a virgin. Compare Luk_1:34. It thus implies that the conception of Christ was miraculous, or that the body of the Messiah was created directly by the power of God, agreeably to the declaration in Heb_10:5; “Wherefore, when he cometh into the world, he saith, Sacrifice and offering thou wouldest not, but a body hast thou prepared me.” Barnes

and will give birth to a son
will give birth G5088 τίκτω tiktō
Thayer Definition:
1) to bring forth, bear, produce (fruit from the seed)
1a) of a woman giving birth
1b) of the earth bringing forth its fruits
1c) metaphorically to bear, bring forth
The Importance of the birth of Christ
1. The importance of the event to which Isaiah looks forward, and which the evangelist describes as fulfilled.
1. The occurrence was of a preternatural character. To raise us from degradation Christ Himself must be sinless. Evil had descended. How was this fatal entail to be cut off? The virgin birth was the answer.
2. Christ’s birth marked the entrance into the sphere of sense and time of One who had existed from eternity.
3. No other birth has ever involved such important consequences to the human race.
[The  Biblical Illustrator]

He is EMMANUEL - God is with us.

Mat 1:23  "The virgin will become pregnant and give birth to a son, and they will name him Immanuel," which means "God is with us."
I. Christ came as God with man.
1. To live with man.
2. With man, to die for him.
3. With man, to rise from the dead for him.
4. With man, to ascend and intercede for him.
II. God is with his people.
1. He is with them in their lives.
2. In their labours.
3. In their trials and afflictions.
4. In their worship. In death and in glory. (C. H. Wetherbe.)

Influence gained by oneness of condition
A Moravian missionary once went to the West Indies, to preach to the slaves. He found it impossible for him to carry out his design so long as he bore to them the relation of a mere missionary. They were driven into the field very early in the morning, and returned late at night with scarcely strength to roll themselves into their cabins, and in no condition to be profited by instruction. They were savage toward all of the race and rank of their masters. He determined to reach the slaves by becoming himself a slave. He was sold, that he might have the privilege of working by their side, and preaching to them as he worked with them. Do you suppose the master or the pastor could have touched the hearts of those miserable slaves as did that man who placed himself in their condition, and went among them, and lived as they lived, suffered as they suffered, toiled as they toiled, that he might carry the gospel to them? This missionary was but following the example of the Lord Jesus Christ, who took on Him the nature of men, came among them, and lived as they lived, that He might save them from their sins. (Beecher.)

In what sense is Christ God with us? In His incarnation united to our nature-God with man-God in man. He is God with us to comfort, enlighten, protect, and defend us in time of temptation and trial, and in the hour of death, and God with us, and in us, and we with and in Him to all eternity. (A. Clarke. LL. D.)

The Obedience of Joseph to the Angel of the Lord

Mat 1:24  When Joseph woke up, he did what the angel of the Lord had commanded him to do. He took Mary to be his wife.
Mat 1:25  He did not have marital relations with her before she gave birth to a son. Joseph named the child Jesus. GW
John Gill ”He did as the angel of the Lord had bidden him; firmly believing that it was a messenger of God that was sent to him, and that this matter was of the Lord. Wherefore he

took unto him his wife, that is, he publicly married her, whom he had before espoused, took her to his house, or continued her there, lived with her as his wife, and owned her to be such, and hence forwards had no more thoughts of putting her away.

Lisa Lim
[Deuteronomy 6:18]
Obedience demonstrates your willingness and trust to follow through on what God says is best for you. Obedience is the visible expression of your love. Do what is right and good in the Lord's sight, so all will go well with you.